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A boy is shown running down stairs before running halfway up and jumping full force.

"Wake up cousin. We're going to the zoo." The boy, Dudley yelled.

Dudley unfortunately was Lia's cousin.

Lia looked up as dust fell on her from under the stairs.

She opened the cupboard door only to be stuffed back in by Dudley. Lia climbed out of the cupbourd rubbing her left side.

She walked into the kitchen and was greeted by her aunt coddling Dudley.

"Go on make breakfast and be sure not to burn it. I want everything to be perfect for my Dudykins birthday." Her aunt, Petunia Dursley ordered.

"Oh Dear Godric." Lily gasped, her suspicion confirmed. Lily looked close to tears as she looked at Lia.

James was sporting a frown whereas Remus figured it out.

"I'm your mother?" It was more a statement that a question but nonetheless Lia nodded.

James looked back and forth from Lily and Lia dumbfounded before realization filled his face.

"I got Lily flower?" He uttered with a glazed look before jumping up and lifting Lily up spinning her around.

"Okay..." Lia trailed off and looked at Hermione, both of them laughing at her parents.

Lia looked side ways and saw Snape- well younger Snape staring at Lily. He caught her starring and gave a blank look. Lia gave a slight wave and smile before turning to the front leaving Snape confused.

Lia was busy with making the bacon while Dudley tried counting his presents that laid sprawled over the living room.

"Bring my coffee girl." Vernon, her uncle, snapped.

"Yes uncle Vernon." Lia sighed walking over with the coffee pot.

"She is not a servant." James and Sirius growled with clenched jaws.

"Lia dear when did you start cooking?" Molly asked turning to look at Lia.

"Um I...think around 5 or 4 I can't remember." Lia said with a deep frown before shrugging it of.

"How many are there?" Dudley yelled at his parents giving up on trying to count.

"36. Counted them myself. " Vernon said as if he had accomplished something extraordinary.

"36? But last year I had 37!" Dudley started throwing a tantrum while Lia rolled her eyes at how he was acting.

All the pureblood looked horrified at the thought of what their parents would do if they acted like this muggle.

Aunt Petunia tried calming Dudley down but failed miserably so she turned to pleasing him rather than taming him.

"How about when we go out today we buy you two new presents. How does that sound." She asked hopefully.

"That's how she deals with a tantrum." Molly asked not believing that any mother would give into a tantrum like that.

Petunia stepped out from the house along with Dudley behind her was Vernon and lastly Lia.

Lia had to go with the Dursleys since Ms. Figs had hurt her leg and is unable to look after Lia and the Dursleys doesn't trust her being alone, think she'll blow up the house.

As Lia was about to get in the car the door was slammed shut making her jump back in fright.

"Now listen to me you step one toe out of place and you will be staying in that cupboard for a month." Vernon threatened her pointing his car keyes dangerously close to her face.

"Yes uncle Vernon." Lia muttered.

The Dursleys and Lia were walking through the reptile isle with Dudley pressing his face against the glass.

He ran towards another inclosure that held a boa constructor which was asleep.

Dudley slammed his fist against the glass.

"Move!" Dudley yelled catching some stares from other people.

"Just leave him. He's asleep." Lia exclaimed already fed up from his attitude.

Dudley sneered at her before scurrying of, his parents right behind him.

"Sorry about him." Lia muttered to the now awake snake.

"You... apologized to a snake?" Draco teased Lia.

"Hey don't blame me. I was 10 and had no friends." Lia said defensively.

The snake lifted its head up and shook it's head to the side as if to shrugg. Lia frowned at the snake before speaking once again.

"Can you understand me?" Lia asked bewildered by the snakes actions. The snake nodded his head giving Lia her answer.

"Wait you're a parslemouth? How there aren't any parslemouths in the Potter family." James stated confused.

"It'll be explained in the second movie." Lia informed with a nervous smile.

Lia felt a sharp sting in her ribs before falling to the floor. She looked up glaring at Dudley as he -once again- pushed his face against the glass.

"Mummy, dad you won't believe what this snakes doing." He exclaimed quite loudly.

Lia stopped glaring when the glass vanished and Dudley toppled over the railing and into the water.

The boa constructor unraveled himself and slithered over the railing. He stopped next to Lia, hissed his thanks- which she understood- and slithered out of the zoo.

Dudley stood up from the water and went to climb out but was stopped by glass. He started to panic screaming for his mother.

When Petunia saw her son, she screamed running over and joined Dudley in a panic fest.

Lia allowed a small smile to creep on her face, amused by the situation. However her smile fell once she saw Vernon glaring down at her.

Lia's survivalNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ