Chapter 5

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When everyone had calmed down and the Weasley twins stopped praising the marauders, the movie started playing once again.

The Weasley twin was sat near their family and the silverette girl who was now known as Luna, sat next to Draco. Blaise being kicked of the couch to make room.

Professor McGonagall handed out matches and instructed the students on what to do.

Every student was focused on their matches, wand in hand.

In the end just a few students got it right. A muggleborn, Hermione had turned hers silver with a dull point.

Two Ravenclaw, one Hufflepuff and Lia managed to make her match turn to silver and a semi sharp tip.

After transfiguration Lia along with the rest of the slytherins headed to potions.

Lia is sat next to Draco with Blaise and Theodore behind them.

"Oh this is gonna be good." James chuckled but stopped once he saw both his daughter and Lily's glare.

"I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper to death." Snape drawled after going over the roll call.

"Copy everything from the board." Snape ordered walking over to his desk revealing the chalkboard.

Once the chalkboard was in sight James and Sirius' jaws dropped.

"What the hell! Isn't it the first day?" James exclaimed.

"He might be stern and slightly scary but he's a good teacher." Lia shrugged.

"Wait. You find Sev 'scary' but not your dearly beloved?" Draco questioned flabbergasted.

Lia merely blinked at the blonde.

"I give up." Draco sighed slumping in his seat.

"You're weird." Pansy commented, breaking the silence.

"Who is he?" Jame yelled scaring some students.

"Oh you don't want to know." Blaise grumbled.

"You'll find out later, I think." Lia informed ignoring Blaise causing him to pout.

After everyone copied the board Snape ordered them to get the ingredients and start brewing a cure for boils.

"Your desk mate will be your partner, so I hope you get along." Snape droned, eyeing Ron that was sat next to Grabbe.

The class passed relatively normal except for Ron and Grabbe's potion exploding, turning into dust and Neville Longbottom's cauldron melting.

The rest of the day went by relatively fast. It was late at night, everyone was in bed and ready to sleep except Lia.

She was sat on the windowsill of her dorm, tracing a scar that ran up her inner forearm.

"What happened?" Lily asked glancing at her daughter's arm in concern.

"Um. Uncle Vernon got mad once and threw a glass at me. A shard got stuck and um he ripped it out. That's why it's so long." Lia explained shifting uncomfortably in her seat.

"I'll murder them." James growled.


Sorry for not posting in a while. Also sorry this chapter isn't the best but yeah.

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