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James and the rest of the marauders reached the front and stared at the future Potter.

"Hi." Lia added when she saw all four marauders grouped up.

"Well let's get started shall we." Dumbledore suggested and with a wave of his wand the four tables disappeared and got replaced by couches, bean bag, pillow and a lot more.

Everyone found themselves a spot and got comfortable. Lia sat with Hermione, the marauders and weirdly Lily Evans was right behind her.

Ron sat with his parents along with his 2 older brothers that was still very little.
Bill was 7 and Charlie was 5. They were a few seats away from Lia.

Neville sat with his parents behind Lia and Draco sat with his parents to the left in front of her.

"Anything we should worry about?" James asked Lia with a playful smile.

"Ummm." Lia trailed of not knowing what to say.

"Definitely the movies is about her life." Draco chuckled as he saw James go a bit pale.

"Lia if I may, who's your mother?" Remus questioned with a frown as some of the teachers set up the projector with the help of Hermione.

"You'll find out." Lia trailed of amused by how her fathers curious face fell a bit.

"Albus what about classes. We can't just delay our priorities for this." Lia heard McGonagall question Dumbledore.

"Oh um yeah about that. Time will stop when the movies start and the movie will stop when someone wants to talk." Lia passed on to Professor McGonagall.

"Thank you Ms. Potter." McGonagall said with a light smile. Lia nodded in return before turning to the front.

The screen at the front of the hall lit up and everybody went silent to watch.

It was late at night in 1981. Everybody was most likely asleep already.

The street sign was shown, Privet Drive, with an owl perched on top.

From the treeline of the forest near by walked out a man. He had long silver hair and a matching long silver beard. He was dressed in strange robes.

He walked forward and rummaged in his pocket for something. Once he found it he pulled it out, which resembled a muggle lighter.

He drew the object into the air and switched it on. All the street lamps light flew out of their bulb and into the device.

Now that the light was gone it was nearly pitch black.

On the sidewalk a tabby cat was shown.

"Is that Minnie?" Remus whispered to no one in particular.

"Ah. I should have known you would be here, Professor McGonagall." Dumbledore stated before the cats shadow was shown on the wall.

It transformed from the tabby cat to a tall women.

"Good evening Professor Dumbledore." McGonagall joined Dumbledore in walking down the street.

"Are the rumors true? Albus." She asked worried.

"What rumors?" Questioned a few students including Remus and James.

"I'm afraid so Professor. The good and the bad." Dumbledore answered.

"And the girl?" McGonagall inquired anxious of the news.

"Hagrid is bringing her." Dumbledore informed the Professor.

"What are they talking about?" Regulus spoke up from beside Barty Crouch Jr.

"It'll be explained." Lia's reply was short.

"Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?" She questioned.

"Ah Professor I would trust Hagrid with my life." Dumbledore replied.

"Aw thank you professor." Hagrid said smiling at the headmaster. Some sneering at the half giant.

There was a roar in the distance catching the two Professors attention. There in the sky was a flying motorcycle.

Once it was on the ground a man almost three time the size of a average man and twice as tall.

He had a little bundle in his arms and the camera zoomed in revealing a baby girl with tuff of light brown hair.

All the females cooed at the cute baby, Lia's blush going unnoticed.

"Professor Dumbledore sir. Professor McGonagall." The giant greeted the two Professor.

"No problems I trust Hagrid?" Dumbledore inquired the half giant, Hagrid.

"No sir, little tyke fell asleep just as we were flying over Bristol. Try not to wake her. There you go." Hagrid said handing the baby girl over to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore took the baby turning around walking towards one of the houses that reside in Privet Drive.

"Albus, do you really think it's safe, leaving her with these people? I've watched them all day. They're the worst sort of muggles, imaginable. They really are..." McGonagall tried to convince Dumbledore but he didn't budge instead he interrupted her.

"The only family she has."

"This girl will be famous. There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know her name." McGonagall again tried to reason with him.

"Exactly. She's far better off growing up away from all of that. Until she's ready." Dumbledore proclaimed before placing the bundled up baby on the door step.

Hagrid could be seen crying and McGonagall keeping her tears in. Dumbledore placed a letter on top of the baby.

Mr and Mrs V. Dursley.
4 Privet Drive,
Little Whinging,

"Good luck... Lilliana Potter." Dumbledore said the small smirk going unnoticed to all except a few.

Dumbledore turned on his heel and apparated away. Soon McGonagall and Hagrid followed. Hagrid took the motorcycle while McGonagall apparated.

"You left a baby girl at a doorstep!?" Yelled an angry Molly Weasley.

"I'm sure I put protection spells on her." Dumbledore tried to defend himself.

The camera zoomed in on the lighting bolt scar that laid above Lilliana's right brow.

There was a flash and the words 'Lilliana Potter and the philosopher stone' flashed on the screen.

"Wait so that was you?" Sirius asked Lia who nodded in reply.

"Where am I and your mother?" James questioned worried, his father instincts kicking in.

Lia's survivalOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz