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Once the train came to a stop, Lia and her friends collected their belongings before getting off. Saying their goodbyes they all separated in search of their parents, Lia going with Draco.

Lia kept on fidgeting with her fingers which Draco noticed. "Hey don't worry. They might seem cold at first but they aren't bad." He tried to assure her.

"Well they're you parents, you have to say that." Blaise commented.

Lia gave him a small smile as they came to a stop infront of a stern looking woman, who is known as Narcissa Malfoy.

"Hello Draco. You must be Lilliana, it's a pleasure meeting you." Narcissa greeted.

"You too ma'am. Thank you for letting me stay for Yule." Narcissa's eyes softened at the small girl.

In the few seconds she spent with the little girl, Narcissa had already noticed that she was severely under weight and had spotted a few scars.

"Come let's get going." Narcissa ordered as she took ahold of Draco's hand and a reluctant Lia's.

The feeling of being sucked in a tube once again rushed over Lia as they apparated to the Malfoy manor.

"Where's father?" Draco questioned once they were in the living room, their trunks left by the front door.

"He has some work at the ministry, he'll be arriving later today. You two get settled in, Draco show Lilliana to her room please." Narcissa announced.

"Yes mother." Draco replied before walking off with Lia trailing behind him.

"So this place is pretty big so if you get lost just call for our house elf, Dobby." Draco explained as they walked down one of the many hall ways.

Before Lia could respond a small weird looking creature popped up infront of them. "Master Draco has called for Dobby?" The creature asked, giving Lia a curious look.

"Hey Dobby, this is Lilliana Potter. She will be staying with us for Yule." Draco announced as Dobby turned his full attention towards Lia.

"Dobby is honored to meet Ms. Potter." Dobby stated as he bowed slightly.

"Um you too Dobby." Lia replied smiling at the elf.

"House elf. Ugh, I hate Kreacher." Sirius groaned.

"Shut up." Lia snapped gaining surprised looks all around.

"What?" Sirius asked gobsmacked.

"Kreacher is so sweet, so shut it." She replied, glaring daggers at Sirius.

"Swe-? Ho-, are we talking about the same house elf?" Sirius stammered, his confusion clear on his face.

"Kreacher likes her. You'll get used to it." Ron informed everyone.

"He what?!" Sirius exclaimed, jumping up from his seat.

"Can you shut up for a second." Lily snapped, wondering about her daughter's life.

Sirius huffed but sat down next to Remus with a pout.

"Their mean." Sirius grumbled.

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