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The first years are shown crowded on the stairs with a stern looking Professor infront of them.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts.You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house common room." Professor McGonagall announced.

"The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn you house points, while any rulebreaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours.
The sorting ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting." McGonagall informed before walking off.

Lia was a bit nervous. She wasn't use to being in the spotlight nor did she like it. Now she's entering a world where she's supposedly famous. It seems that everyone knows who she is and she didn't like that.

"Fred said it hurts a lot, but I think he was joking." A red headed boy caught Lia's attention.

"Did you say Fred? As in Fred Weasley?" Lia questioned just loud enough for the red head to hear.

"Yeah. He's my brother, why? Who are you?" He asked curiously.

"I'm Lilliana Potter. I met him, George and Lee on the train." Lia explained. She frowned when the boy stood open mouthed gaping at her with aww.

"A-Are you really. D-Do you have the- the scar?" Ron questioned whispering the last part.

"Ronald! You can't just ask that." Hermione scolded Ron, recieving laughs from around the hall.

Before Lia could answer however a voice spoke up. "So it's true what their saying on the train. Lilliana Potter has come to Hogwarts."

A blonde boy walked up to Lia with two boys following him like bodyguards.

"This Grabbe and Goyle. I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He introduced pointing towards the two behind him.

Ron let out a laugh covering it with a cough. Draco however heard him and took offense. Though before Draco or Ron could say anything Lia spoke up.

"That's a pretty name. A star constellation it also means 'dragon'." Draco looked shocked for a second before smirking a bit.

"True. My family has a tradition for naming the children after a constellation." Draco informed her.

McGonagall appeared behind Draco tapping him on the shoulder with a roll of parchment.

"Follow me please." McGonagall ordered as they walked through the doors.

"That went better than I thought it would." Blaise commented.

"She made friends... with a Malfoy." James mumbled.

"Well yeah. There's nothing wrong with the Malfoy's. I mean once you get to know them their pretty nice. Uncle Lucy especially, he might be cold on the ouside but if he actually likes you he's very sweet." Lia rambled.

"My father cares more about you than he does me." Draco deadpanned.

"That's not true." Lia defended.

"He bought you a library but he refused to buy me a new broom claiming 'it's still usable'." Draco exclaimed.

"Lucy?" Lucius muttered in confusion.

Everyone in the great hall stared at them in mixed emotions.

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