Chapter 7

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CHP 7:


A sleeping Lia appeared on the screen. Compared to the big bed and due to her petite form she looked very small.

Draco can be seen quietly opening the door and rushing next to Lia. He gently shook her awake.

"Come on Lia." He whispered to her excitement the only emotion on his face.

"Draco?" Lia mumbled wiping her eyes.

"Come on Mom and Dad is waiting downstairs for us." He told her, ushering her out of bed.

Lia grabbed the blanket that was place on a nearby couch, wrapping herself in it as they ascended the stairs.

In the living room Narcissa and Lucius sat waiting for the two youngsters.

The big decorated tree to the right hand side of the fire place. Present packed to the brim underneath.
Lia stood gaping at everything, never before had she seen so much presents.

"Come on, sit down Lilliana." Narcissa patted the seat on her right side.

Draco rushed over to the seat next Lia as Lucius picked up rhetorically first gift. It was medium sized wrapped in navy blue paper. "It's from Baise." Lucius says as he hands it over to Draco.

Opening the box it revealed to be a book on magical  creatures. Lia had heard that Draco loves animals so seeing the book made her smile.

Blaise was a good friend.

After a few presents Lucius pulled a slightly bigger box out, wrapped in brown and red paper. "It's from the Weasley twins." He read out handing it over to Lia who sat stunned.

"Lia you okay?" Draco asked waving a hand in front of her face. Narcissa slapped his hand away sending him a glare.

"Liana sweetie, are you okay?" Narcissa asked bending down to look at Lia's face.

"I- I-" She stuttered confusion now laced in her eyes . "I get presents?"

"What do you mean?" Marcissa and Lucius shared a look.

"I- I've never gotten a present before." Lia muttered, surprise clear in her voice and written all over her face. The others heard her making them look up at each other.

"Well go ahead open it." Draco encourages excitedly. "There's alot more." He points to the stacks of presents.

Carefully opening the box Lia pulled out two hoodies, one black and the other red. A smile formed on her lips as she read the note that fell out.

'Now you won't have to be cold anymore.'

She remembered sometime ago she tod them that she gets cold quite easily, so she was grateful.

The rest of the day continued with laughter and Lia was happier than ever.

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