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Lia, along with Draco, Pansy and Hermione is walking down a corridor talking.

Hermione noticed Lia's facial expression which was a mix between pain and confusion. "Hey, Lia are you alright?" She questioned.

"Yeah. My scar has been hurting more than usual." She answered which gained the other two's attention.

"Maybe you should go see madam Pomfrey." Pansy suggests as they turn a corner.

"No it's okay." Lia mumbled.

"It's not okay. Why won't you just go see madam Pomfrey?" Sirius ask confused at the girls actions.

"Because I didn't want too." Lia snarked.

Walking into the library the group was joined by Theo as they walked in. "Hey guys." He greeted.

Getting settled at their usual table at the back they greeted Blaise, who was already seated.

"So we're doing it tonight?" Blaise asked looking at the rest for confirmation.

"Yes but Pansy can't go since she has detention." Lia told the rest as Pansy pouted at the reminder.

"It's probably better if some of us stay behind. As to not attract too much attention." Blaise muttered.

"Yeah, I'll stay behind." Theodore agreed.

"Me too." Blaise said, "We'll cover for you three if it's needed." He added.


That night Draco and Lia met Hermione by the Gryffindor common room entrance.

"Hi you ready?" Hermione whispered as she closed the portrait.

"Yeah let's let's go." Draco said leading the group up the stairs.

The forbidden corridor was cold and dark, until the torches lit up as the trio passed them.

Arriving at the door at the end of the hall, Hermione casted a quick 'alohamora'.

The three filtered in coming face to face with fluffy.

"Okay come on he's asleep." Hermione says as she lifts up the trap door.

One by one the three jump through falling down in darkness.

"What the hell?! You just jumped?" Lily yelled eyes wide.

"Um, yeah?" Lia said slowly thinking back.

"You could have died." Lily said exasperated.

"But we didn't." Lia pointed out.

Lily's left eye twitched as she turned back to the screen.

The screen showed a concrete wall before moving to show Lia walk through a hallway. Stairs at the bottom.

Looking up Lia saw Professor Quirell standing in front of the mirror of Erised.

"Professor?" Lia called out as she walked down the steps.

"Potter. Do you know what this mirror does?" Quirell asks not taking his eyes off the mirror.

"Well it's the mirror of Erised. It shows us our greatest desire." Lia states.

"Yes. I see myself holding the stone but how do i get it?"

Lia cautiously looked around her as a gravely voice spoke, "Use the girl."

"Potter come here."Quirell demanded.

Jeart racing Lia slowly walked towards him.

" Why would you listen to him?!" Sirius yelled exasperated.

"I don't know." Lia shrugged.

" Ho- That's yo- Wha-?" Sirius splutter, confused.

Looking into the mirror Lia saw her reflection with a gleaming red stone, before putting it in her pocket.

"What do you see?" Quirell ask.

Thinking quick, Lia became teary eyed as she whispered, "Mom? Dad?"

The mysterious voice spoke once agian. "Show me the girl."

"But my lord you're not strong enough." Quirell protested but he was shut down. "I'm stong enough for this."

Sighing Quirell unwrapped his turban revealing a face.

"What the hell is that?!" Sirius yelled with a scrunched up nose while Lily asked concerned for her daughter.

"See what I have become?" The face asked.

"I killed powerful wizards and witches in my time yet a baby, was my down fall. How did you survive the killing vurse." It continued. Lia scrunched up her face in confusion.

"You used the killing curse? Why?" She asked even more perplexed before continuing. You could have snapped my neck, insuring I'm dead. Or thrown me out the window, or stabbed me- there is so many ways you could've killed and it wouldn't bounce back but you chose the Killing curse." Lia asked looking at him as if he had grown a donkeys head and spoke Greek.

"Uh- yes." He replied surprised by her reaction.

"Look i don't know why you tried to kill me and half the world-" She was cut of by Voldemort.

"Not half the world, only the muggles so they stop interfering with the wizardimg world." He explained but once again Lia looked at him with squinted eyes shaking her head.

"How oblivious are you people?" She asked rhetorically. "Do you want magic to come to an end? How has nobody noticed that lesser purebloods are being born or how magical abilities such as metaphormagus, came to a stop with purebloods. We need new blood to continue the magic. With purebloods imbreeding there's more squibs then muggleborns. That's because muggleborns are descendants of squibs. No muggle can birth a magical child." Lia ranted.

"Is that true?" Lily asked curiousl.

"Yes, go do a inheritance test and see for yourself." Lia nodded.

Voldemort stayed silent, staring blankly at Lia. "Does it make sense now?" Lia asked.

"Yes. It does."

"Okay good now, I want to bring you back but with your soul intact." Lia said out of the blue.

"Why would you want to do that?" Voldemort ask.

"I have a feeling not everything is how people say they were."

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