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The entire great hall watched the first years being called out on the screen.

Everyone was curious, especially Lia's friend. She never told them what the hat and she talked about.

"Potter, Lilliana." McGonagall called out from next to the step stool, sorting hat in hand.

11 Year old Lia silently walked towards the stool, trying to get as small as possible to avoid the burning stares of everyone.

Ron was seen at the Gryffindor table along with Fred, George and Lee. Fred giving her a thumbs up.

Draco was sat at the Slytherin table to the side along with the friends Lia had made on the boat.

Once Lia sat down the hat was placed atop of her head, falling over her eyes.

'Ah a Potter. Mhmm, interesting. You're definitely different.' The hat spoke in Lia's head.

Lia jumped slightly when the hat started talking but calmed down. 'Hello. Um what can I call you?' Lia thought.

'Huh. It's been a long time since someone asked me that. You may call me Allistair.' The hat responded.

'Let's see. Smart, loyal, kind... hmm, it seems I can't decide.' The hat spoke inside Lia's head.

Lia shrunk into herself a bit feeling nervous from all the stares she was receiving.

'Quick question Ms. Potter, what is your favorite color?' Lia was confused at the question but answered it nonetheless.

'Um g-green?' It came out more as a question. It was new to Lia, someone or rather something taking an interest in her and asking what her favorite color is.

'Very well then I have decided-'

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat yelled out. Everybody was too shocked to notice Lia flinching at the sudden yell.

After a moment some students started clapping. Fred, George and Lee being the loudest of all.

"Wait. You got sorted into slytherin, because of your favorite... color?" Hermione asked baffled by what she just witnessed.

"Kind of." Lia replied with a shrug.

The hall was snapped out of their thoughts when a flash followed by a yelp came from the middle of the hall.

"Ow." A brown haired girl muttered as she stood up from the floor rubbing her butt.

Everyone stared at the girl while Blaise burst out laughing.

"It's not funny!" The brunette yelled at the gasping boy.

"Pansy what are doing here?" Hermione questioned the brunette who had stopped rubbing her sore butt.

"Oh well I was bored and you-know-who is irritating. I won't be surprised if everyone shows up. He's been in a sour mood since you guys left." Pansy stated.

"Of course. Just take a seat." Hermione sighed going back to her seat.

Pansy skipped over to where Lia was sat with the Malfoys. "Hey Lils. Scoot up." Pansy ordered plopping down next to Lia who was now squished between Pansy and Draco.

"Ugh. Draco move up this is suffocating." Lia whined pushing Draco up the seat causing him to be squished against Regulus.

"Stop pushing I can move on my own." Draco complained.

"Then move up." Pansy hissed now also pushing Draco. Draco had started pushing back and Lia had sat back as the two were now pushing each other over her lap.

Someone cleared there throat causing Pansy and Draco to stop in their track wich just so happen to be ontop of Lia.

They turned to see who it was and saw Dumbledore. "Now now, dear children h-" He was cut off by Pansy and Draco yelling at him.

"Shut up you old goat!" The two yelled out in sinc.

Dumbledore stood frozen in his spot. Never has he ever been treated like this. He was the wizarding world savior and these two kids dared to disrespecting him.

McGonagall decided to step up seeing as Dumbledore was still frozen gapping at the two. "Mr. Malfoy, miss please calm down. Now please introduce yourself." McGonagall politely ordered when Pansy and Draco sat down.

They all have seen McGonagall mad and nobody wanted to be on the recieving end of her anger.

"Right. I apologize for my rudeness. I am Pansy Parkinson." Pansy introduced herself.

"Now little Lils where is your parents?" Pansy questioned her eyes seeming to shine. Lia sagged her shoulders and pointed to where her parents were sitting.

Pansy dashed to where Lia pointed and started examining the people in the group.

"See I was right. Your parents are hot. You got the good genes." Pansy exclaimed before looking at the two again. "Damn. Your parents are hot though."

"Pansy sit down and shut up." Lia ordered glaring at the brunette who held up her hands in surrender.

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