Chapter 4

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Everyone was now seated, including Pansy and was ready to continue watching Lia's journey.

Lia was sat at the slytherin table next to Draco and with Pansy infront of her.

"So what class are you looking forward to most?" Pansy asked filling her plate.

"Potions of course." Draco stated,before both him and Pansy turned to Lia who was looking down at her empty plate.

"Lilliana~" Pansy sang waving a hand infront of Lia's face.

"Huh oh sorry what did you say?" Lia questioned looking apologetically at Pansy and Draco.

"I asked which class are you looking forward to?" Pansy repeated her question.

"Oh um. I don't really know. I quess I'm looking forward to charms." Lia replied, a frown on her head before her face lit up slightly.

"Oh I'm also looking forward to potions. Mr. Sev- Snape told me about it while we were shopping and it seems interesting." Lia informed them, a small smile on her face.

"You look forward to potions? Why?" Peter asked gaining the attention from everyone.

"Who are you?" Pansy asked staring at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Pans that's Peter Pettigrew." Lia informed the brunette who let out a gasp.

"Him?" She exclaimed pointing at the confused Peter. "B-But he, he's hot?" Pansy yelled frustrated.

"Hm I guess he is." Lia agreed, her head tilted slightly.

Pansy darted towards Peter inspecting his face. She stepped back looking him up and down. "What the Hell happened to you?" Pansy exclaimed. She had saw him before and he was no eye candy.

"Huh?" Peter was beyond confused.

"Um it'll be explained in the movies."

"Professor Snape? How do you know him?" Draco asked out of curiosity. He knew his godfather and he wasn't the type to go out and befriend 11 year olds and then go shopping. Draco tried but could not see Snape walking around Diagonally, shopping, with a little girl and talking to her.

"Oh he came and got me at my relatives." Lia looked sad, looking down at her still empty plate, at the mention of her relatives.

"Hey what's wrong?" Pansy asked looking worried.

"Well my relative never really liked me nor magic. When Professor Snape came to pick me up they hadn't reacted well. I kind of ran away, and now that I think about it I don't know were I will stay after the school year is finished." Lia explained.

"Oh. Well we've got the whole year to figure it out. We'll think of something." Pansy reassured her friend.

A frown had formed on Lia's face as she looked up. "We?"

"Yes, we. We're friends obviously we'll help you." Pansy exclaimed happily.

"I never had any friend before." A smile could be seen forming as the frown disappeared.

Draco frowned at this. She never had any friends? But it was believed that she was cherished and pampered her whole live. Now he hears that her so called relatives doesn't even like her?

He didn't like any of this so he decided that he will owl his parents later informing them of Lia and her situation. Maybe even ask if she could stay at the Malfoy manor.

"Well we're your friends now and there will be more to come." Draco stated, smiling at the small girl. Her petite form did not go unnoticed by Draco. After all he was born a Malfoy so he's always observant. "Now eat before dinner ends." He ordered filling her plate with some mash-potatoes.

"Okay, thank you." Lia thanked before starting to eat.

"Thank you Mr. Malfoy. You may have been just a kid but you still made my daughter smile and for that I'm thankful." Lily smiled at Draco who was braiding Lia's hair. She had moved to sit infront of him at some point.

"She's my best friend. It's kind of my job." Draco shrugged with a small smirk playing at his lips.

"Don't knot my hair again." Lia warned getting a whine from Draco.

"Oh come on that was one time."

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