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After Lia's rant James shut his mouth while some slytherin's looked at Lia in a new light.

"Also you all discriminate against slytherin for being 'evil'. There are evil wizard and witches from other houses." Lia stated putting air quotes around 'evil'.

"My dear girl, they simpl-" Dumbledore started with a twinkle in his eyes.

"I am not your 'dear girl'. I know it must be hard to get this through your thick skull but you don't know me and I don't particularly like you. So either call me Ms. Potter as you're supposed to or don't talk to me at all." Lia exclaimed, not bothering hidding her anger and annoyance towards the old man.

"My dear-" Dumbledore tried but was once again interrupted.

"Headmaster, my daughter wish you not to call her by name. Please do address her as Ms. Potter." Lily interjected, glaring up at the headmaster.

"Albus, enough of this if Ms. Potter wishes you not to call her by name so be it. Now let us finish the film."

"Thank you Professor." Lia nodded in thanks towards McGonagall, getting a nod in return.

The train had stopped and kids were seen exiting the train.

Up a head a half giant could be seen calling out for the first years.

"Hagrid!" Some of the students exclaimed in joy seeing the friendly giant.

Hagrid who sat along with the teachers blushed at the attention.

"See you at the feast little Potter." Fred and George yelled as they walked over to were the carraiges awaited them, Lee following after the two smiling at Lia in encouragement.

Lia followed the half giant towards the boat, quickly climbing into one.

There were two girls and one boy already occupying the small boat.

One of the girls had blonde hair with baby blue eyes. Next to her sat a brunette girl who had chocolate brown eyes.The boy who Lia was sitting next to had dark brown eyes and chestnut brown hair.

The brunette girl turned toward Lia with a small smile playing on her lips.

"Hi, I'm Pansy Parkinson, this is Daphne Greengrass and he's Theodore Nott." She introduced everyone, her smile becoming even bigger and brighter.

"I'm Lilliana Potter nice to meet you." Lia introduced herself shrinking back a bit. She wasn't used to being the center of attention nor to people talking to her.

"Really? Well it's nice to meet you." Pansy gasped in shock but recovered quickly.

The rest of the ride was quite until they hit the shore. Once everyone was out of the boats Hagrid led them up to hogwarts.

"Wow Pansy really is energetic. Huh?" Draco mumbles.


Hello, thank you all for the support, likes and comments. I love reading the comments.

Another thing if you see a mistake in my work feel free to point it out. English isn't my first language, I'm actually Afrikaans.

Have a nice day. :)

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