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Lia was sat on a bed in the medical wing along with Draco and Pansy. Madam Pomfrey had left to get some potions.

"What's a Troll doing in hogwarts anyway?" Lia questioned quietly.

"Don't know must've somehow slipped in." Pansy shrugged.

"No. It was already in the castle. My question is why." Lia trailed off playing with the hem of her shirt.

"What?" Pansy asked confused.

"Well there's a ward around the school. So if something crossed it the headmaster would immediately be alerted. The troll was in the castle. From the wards towards the school was a long trek even for a troll. Which means the troll was already in the castle with the headmasters knowledge." Lia explained, both Pansy and Draco's eyes widened at this.

"Albus. You better have a good reason for allowing a troll in the castle," Lily seethed glaring daggers at Dumbledore.

Madam Pomfrey rushed towards the group with two potions in hand.

"Allright, dear take this. I noticed that your wrist was sprained so this will help with the pain." She explained as Lia downed the second potion.

"Now you listen to me. Next time you get hurt, any of you. You come straight to me." Pomfrey stated gaining a nod from Lia.

"You sprained your wrist! When?" James asked confusion clear on his face.

"Flying lesson, remember. I fell on my hand," Lia replied.

Days flew by and in that time Lia grew closer with her friend which now included a certain bushy haired girl, Hermione Granger.

Lia and Hermione had planned to spend the day together to get to know each other better, which resulted with Lia stuck.

Currently Lia was stood on a small platform infront of a door. The stairs had moved on from the platform and said platform was retracting back into the wall. Panicked, she entered through the door. Looking around all that could be seen was darkness. It was cold and you could smell the dust in the air but other then that was darkness.

"Where are you?" Marlene questioned squinting her eyes to get a better look at the dark screen.

"Oh shit," Lia muttered. "It's the forbidden corridor on the third floor," she informed.

Walking further into the darkness a flame came to life from one of the torches on the walls.

"Hello," Lia called out hoping someone was there.

Nothing, not a sound came to her ears. She ventured futher into the corridor before coming to a stop before a locked door.

She knocked but no response.

Getting out her wand she muttered 'alohomora'. The door unlatched, creaking open. Lia pushed the door open wider peeking in.

There laid a black cerberus, sound asleep.

"What is that doing in a school?" Many wondered the same thing.

Lia gulped, slowly moved backwards, softly closed the door before running back to the stairs.

Luckily there was stairs available once she got there. Lia spotted Hermione close to the stairs underneath an archway.

Dashing toward Hermione, panting and out of breath Lia gasped for air. "We need to find the others."

Looking up at her friend in concern, Hermione nodded and the two took of in search for their friends.

After searching half the school they found Draco, Pansy, Blaise and Theodore at the back of the library.

"Oh hi Lils, Hermione." Pansy greeted once she spotted them.

"Hey. I- I'm. You know what I'll be blunt. There's a cerberus on the third floor." Lia whispered not entirely sure how to deliver the news.

"What!?" Draco whisper shouted along with Blaise.

"Yeah. There's seriously something wrong. A troll and a cerberus? What are they thinking." Hermione voiced.

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