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It was two days later and the day was going as usual.

Wake up, make breakfast, clean breakfast, tend to the garden and lots more.

Lia had just finished tending to the garden and was in the kitchen drinking a glass of water.

The Dursleys was in the living room doing who knows what. Vernon had taken the day off today.

There was a knock on the front door. Which was unusual seeing as the Dursleys doesn't get much guest.

"Get that girl!"Vernon shouted from the living room.

Lia sighed and sat her glass of water down before going to the front door. When she opened it infront of her stood a tall man dressed in all black.

"Who did they sent?" James questioned at the same time Ron yelled out.

"They sent Snape?!" Receiving a slap to the shoulder.

"No screaming." Molly said.

"Wait Snivellus is a teacher?" James questioned letting out a laugh.

James jerked forward as he was harshly hit with a pillow on the back of the head.

Ron and Draco winced knowing how it felt to receive a pillow hit.

"Next time it won't be with a pillow." Lia threatened with a glare towards her father.

Everyone in the hall looked either confused, proud or amused at the situation. Snape being on the confused side.

"What was that for?" James whined rubbing his head.

"I don't care if you're my father I will hit you. Teasing is one thing but bullying is where I draw the line. Especially with you. Tone it down and stop being an ass to Severus." Lia lectured before standing up storming over to Draco and plopped down next to him and Bellatrix.

The Malfoy's, except for Draco, Regulus, Rudolphus and Bellatrix raised an eyebrow at the Potter girl. Rabastan was merely amused.

"What?" She questioned them as if nothing had happened.

"Just you." Draco chuckled.

He had greasy black hair, a hooked nose and onyx black eyes.

"Can I help you sir?" Lia asked the strange man.

"Who is it girl!" Vernon shouted once more.

Snape looked down at the small frail girl. She had sickly pale skin but that could be due to her hunger. She had shoulder length brown hair, emerald green eyes and was clearly under weight.

She was wearing oversized trousers, a oversized t-shirt and white chunky sneakers.

Snape walked into the house silently seething. Lia surprised, rushed after him leaving the front door open.

Once Snape stepped into the living room Petunia jumped up looking as if she had seen a ghost.

"You?!" She shrieked as Vernon abruptly stood up.

"Out. I will not have any of your kind in my house." Petunia yelled in a shrill voice.

Snape held a blank expression he never particularly liked Petunia.

"I'm not here for any... trouble. I'm only here to pick Ms. Potter up." Snape drawled out glancing at Lia who was at the entrance of the living room.

"For what?" Petunia seethed.

"To collect her school supplies. She will be starting Hogwarts." Snape informed looking rather bored.

"She will not be going, we promised we'd put an end to the madness when we took her in." Vernon yelled red in the face.

"Wait you knew?" Lia questioned looking at her relatives with hurt in her eyes.

Lia knew she shouldn't be surprised but still she had some hope.Hope that deep inside, that her relatives cared for her. Even if just a bit.

"Of course we knew. My sister being... a witch. Our parents was proud we had a witch in the family. I was the only one to see her for what she truly was. A freak." Petunia said walking forward.

"And if you please she went and got herself blown up. Along with that good for nothing Potter." She added.

"Hey!" Sirius exclaimed offended on behalf of his friend.

"Wait this is how you found out?" Draco questioned Lia in a hushed voice. Lia gave him a nod as a response.

"Blown up? You told me they died in a car crash." Lia yelled out.

"A car crash?" Snape questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Well we had to tell her something." Petunia defended.

"Ever herd the term 'truth." Sirius asked rhetorically.

"Either way she will not be going." Vernon spat towards Snape.

"And what will a muggle like yourself do?" Snape questioned.

"She can gladly go but we will not be paying for anything." Petunia announced with a smug look thinking she won.

"No need. Potter get your belongings." Snape ordered not taking his gaze off the Dursleys.

Lia looked between Snape and the Dursleys before running of to her cupboard.

She grabbed the bag she used for school and dumped all the stuff inside out on to her bed.

She grabbed a pair of jeans, a oversized flannel, her pencil bag and a blank notebook.

She came out seeing Snape patiently waiting near the -still open front door.

"We will be going now." Snape said putting his hand on her shoulder and steered her outside.

They walked towards the forest that was down the road.

"Um sir who are you. I know you're from hogwarts but not who you are." Lia questioned looking up at him.

"Severus Snape. I'm a professor at Hogwarts." Snape informed her as they reached the forest.

"Where are we going?" Lia asked a bit skeptical.

"To Diagonally. That's where we will get your supplies. Hold on don't let go." Snape informed as she gripped his hand.

Lia felt like she was being sucked into a tupe and her guts being rearranged before they appeared somewhere unknown to Lia.

"What was that?" Lia asked bewildered.

"It's called apparition. Now let's go, Gringotts first." Snape announced keeping hold of Lia's shoulder as to not loose her in the crowd.

Lia marveled at the owls and books that was shown outside of the shops on display.

James went to say something but second thought it remembering his daughter's threat.

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