22- Girlfriend

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Stella's P.O.V.

Another few weeks had passed. Claire just finished her first week back at school and did good just like I was hoping she would. It was so nice getting back into our old routine again, but unfortunately that also meant saying goodbye to Ms. Sue.

She still told me to call her if I needed a night out or I needed her like before but chances were someone else was going to snatch her up because she was amazing.

Cole invited Claire and I over for dinner at his house tonight. That's where we were headed now. I picked her up from school and went straight for his house.

I was still in shock that Cole Owens was the Cole Owens I've heard so much about. I still haven't told my family about him but was planning to on Sunday when they came over for dinner.

I felt like that was an in person conversation.

We still haven't talked about our status yet and I didn't really know how this all worked. Kelly, Jen and Krista all say he's my boyfriend but I didn't think I should assume anything just yet.

Pulling up to the address Cole gave me, I looked out the window in awe. Of course the area was beautiful and he would have an amazing looking apartment… and that was just the outside I was seeing so far.

"Wow, Mommy."

"I know, baby. Look at this place."

Now I felt ridiculous in the tin-can we called home.

Walking into the building, the doorman greeted us. "You must be Stella and Claire?"


"Mr. Owens told me you would be coming. I'll let him know you're on your way up."

"Thank you."

We stepped out of the elevator, Cole was leaning up against his door frame waiting for us with a big smile on his face. "Welcome." He leaned down, giving me a lingering kiss and then kissed the side of Claire's cheek before guiding us inside.

"Cole, this place is beautiful." I said as I looked around, putting Claire down.

"Thanks. It's nice here but I can't wait to buy a house someday."

"Why didn't you buy a house when you moved back?"

"I was kind of in a hurry. I needed something fast and I didn't want to live with my parents again. I have my eye out and talked with a realtor about what I was looking for when I moved back, so I guess I'm just waiting for the call."

"Cole, why do you have all these footballs in here?" Claire asked.

Cole took my hand, leading me over to his living room area. He had a case with a few different footballs and awards in there.

"Those footballs are all special to me." He picked Claire up and pointed at one of the footballs. "See this one? I met Bart Starr, he's an old player and coach for the Green bay Packers, he signed that for me. This one is from my last game in college and this one is from my first game as a Raider. It's the first pass I caught professionally."

"Claire, you know how we watch football and the Giants play all the time?"

She nodded her head. Cole and I talked the night I found out he was a Giant and I decided to wait to tell Claire until I talked with my family about him. I knew Claire was going to be excited and not able to keep this a secret. Last night I mentioned to Cole about saying something to her tonight since I'd be seeing my family on Sunday and he agreed.

"Cole plays football with them now too. Isn't that cool?"

"You do?" Her face lit up.

"I do. I'd really like it if you and your mommy would come watch me play this coming season."

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