34- Lawyer

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Roman's P.O.V.

I walked into my house after my shift. I put my gun and badge down on the table next to the door and headed for the kitchen... I needed another drink.

"Hey." Amelia, the girl I was seeing said seductively as she sat at the kitchen table, naked.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Rawr! I came to surprise you."

"I'm sorry. It was a long shift and I just want to be alone tonight."

She huffed, rolling her eyes as she got up, storming into my bedroom.

Few minutes later she stormed to the front door. "Amelia, don't be like that."

"Are you seeing someone else? It's that one girl isn't it? The one in the picture on your fridge."

I rolled my eyes not answering her. Of course there was someone else... it's always been Stella.

"Don't ever call me again." Amelia cried out, slamming the door behind her.

Good riddance.

I was heading back into the kitchen when there was a knock on the door.

"You've got to be kidding me." I opened my door, "Amelia, get lost... Cap? What are you doing here?"

My captain looked behind him. "I was on my way home when I thought I'd follow up with you. Amelia just floored it out of here in her Volvo. Everything alright between the two of you?"

"Lady troubles. What can I do for you?"

"I got a call from an upset Stella Collins tonight. She says you've been harassing her. You know she thinks you broke into her apartment so showing up at her place for a fake call doesn't look very good."

I missed her.

"Roman, you smell like alcohol. Have you been drinking?"

"I just had a shot right before you got here, rough shift."

"Ms. Collins says the last few encounters you've smelled like alcohol. Including tonight when you were on duty."

"She's mistaken. Cap, I promise. I'm not going to do anything to screw this job up."

"Roman I know you might not want to hear this but from what I've seen of Ms. Collins and Mr. Owens' relationship, they're very close and look happy. Leave it alone."

"I can't."

"You can. Stella told me you're threatening to take her kid. Nowhere in this entire conversation have you said anything about your daughter. I know that your father was an alcoholic and Mom suffers from depression, do you need help?"

I closed my eyes for a moment, "No. I'm nothing like them. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to shower and go to bed."

"If your partner or I ever smell alcohol on you while on duty, you will be terminated immediately. Have I made myself clear?"

"Perfectly. Anything else?"

"Yes, leave Stella alone."

He turned around and shut the door. I locked the door and went into the kitchen, sitting down at the table, taking two shots of whiskey as I stared at a picture of her and I on my fridge that was taken in highschool.

I messaged my temples, "Shit."

Stella's P.O.V.

"I'm going to fucking kill him, Stella." Luke was pacing Cole's apartment floor.

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