Talking and the Start of School

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"You've never talked about how you seem to know what'll happen," Bakugou says, before you can even turn, causing him to see your reaction.

There's a bit of surprise, but your face quickly falls. You sit at the edge of the fountain again, looking at the water, hoping it may give you answers. "I doubt you'd believe me if I told you," You inform him, unable to look at him.

You see him sit next to you, causing you to glance over at him. His expression is calm, causing you to keep your gaze on him. You sigh, knowing he just wants to know. You start from the beginning telling him what you do know.

"Huh?! Why would our hero training be a show?" His expression scrunches. You look away, your expression downcast.

"Big things are brewing, things that I want to prevent. At the same time, you guys need to grow and become the amazing heroes you're supposed to be," You say, looking up at the sky that's glowing a soft orange as the sun sets.

"Wait, that means you know if the person you copied is Deku or not!" Bakugou accuses you.

You sweatdrop and don't feel certain as to how to go about this. "Sorry, it's just that Deku can't handle confrontation with you all too well right now. Considering your guys' history," You explain looking at him apologetically.

"So it was that nerd?! Has he been lying to me all this time?!" Bakugou starts getting riled up.

Without thinking, you pull him into a hug. "I know it's hard to know that he has a quirk right now. But I promise that he hasn't lied to you. Just please wait, things'll start to clear up. And if they don't I'll clear it up for you, just calm down for now," You plead with him.

There's no response from him, so you cautiously release him from the hug to look at him. He appears stunned, and his cheeks are dusted pink. You call out his name, and he snaps his attention to you again. "Fine, I'll talk with the nerd tomorrow, happy?" He says, giving in to your words.

You smile brightly and nod, before compulsively hugging him again. Feeling much more relaxed this time, you're able to enjoy being this close to him. Though you feel surprised when you feel his arms wrap around you. But it quickly shifts to comfort, and with how tired you are, you start to feel your eyelids drop.

"Oi! Don't go falling asleep on me, I don't know where you stay," Bakugou nudges you, his voice slightly raised. You groan a bit, mumbling that you're comfortable. But you still get off of him and try to stay awake.

"I suppose I should get back before I raise concerns," You yawn, before telling Bakugou, "See you at school tomorrow!" He's a bit more gruff in returning the statement which only makes you smile. Shifting into Kakashi, you flicker to Aizawa's and subconsciously shift back as you collapse onto the couch.

"I was wondering when you'd get back. Didn't expect you to return tired out, but I guess the person you shifted into didn't have much else to do except tire themselves out," You hear Aizawa before completely drifting off.

"Kid, eat," You hear Kurama say before you completely fall asleep. You groan, not wanting to comply. "You want both of us to go hungry?" He reasons, and you sigh, getting up.

"Hmm? I thought you wiped out, well guess I can make something for us after all," Aizawa says as you realize you're stirring.

"Trust me I'd rather sleep. But I should eat otherwise I might be a pain to deal with in the morning," You comment, your voice groggy. Aizawa chuckles a bit, commenting how it's good I'm at least taking care of myself. You keep your lips sealed.

You both eat in silence as usual, but you feel yourself getting a bit ancy due to the silence. If you had to guess, it's from Naruto. You manage to keep yourself in line, not wanting to generate annoyance in Aizawa.

You retire to the couch, not bothering to change, and wipe right out. You get up early, much to your surprise, but you start coffee for Aizawa. Writing him a note that you went ahead of him. You change into the UA uniform, packing a change of clothes to train afterwards.

Thinking for a moment, you decide against bringing the clothes. You'll just see how the day goes, and see what's in store for you. Getting there early you decide to just give in and search up some historical things. Like did they have the events which you lived through?

You see reports about COVID-19. You decide to search up your hometown for fun. Putting the year 2022, your stomach drops as you see an article title.

'Girl suddenly disappears overnight with no trace' You click on it hoping by some odd possibility that it isn't you. You read the article, but there's no mistaking the picture of the girl that looks back at you.

You cover your mouth, wanting to cry heavily. You don't even dare research further into the topic, you walk to class and sit down numbly. Putting your head down, hiding your face away in your elbow, you let the grief hit you.

Suddenly Kurama gets riled up, causing you to snap to attention. You spot Mineta, causing your lip to curl up in distaste. He tries talking to you, but you just ignore him, not giving him the light of day. "Kurama, calm down, I don't like him either, but he's not worth the trouble," You mentally tell Kurama who simmers down.

"(F/N)!" Mina excitedly calls out to you, and you smile at her as she approaches. "We should hang out after school today! Ooh! We should invite the other girls as well!" She suggests, and you agree, knowing the only one you might have an issue with is Hagurake.

You hear bickering in the front, causing you to look over to see Iida chastising Bakugou. You smile, and walk over to Bakugou. He notices you walk over, and he sighs, putting his feet down. "I wasn't going to stop you, I find it humorous, I just came over to see how you are. Or are you more focused on confronting Deku? Cause he'll be walking in right about now," You inform Bakugou, with the greenette walking in on cue.

"I think I'll need to get used to you being able to do that, and yeah I'm going to confront that nerd!" His anger boiling over towards the end. And as you expected, Uraraka screams as Aizawa walks in. You stifle your laugh and return to your seat.

A Part Of Your World {Bakugou x  (Fem) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now