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Despite the great morning, you're now visibly annoyed by the large crowd of people training poorly. You would've figured that they'd at least try to incorporate some trainers to help with the basics...but they all seem to be going off on a limb trying to improve just their quirk. Overall, the entire area feels like it's in chaos. Shifting into Madara, you exert your intense killing intent, causing everyone to freeze up.

"All of you line up! We're going to test your street smarts before we even start to improve your physical capabilities!" You call out over the entirety of the training grounds, and everyone quickly falls into line. Relieved that they knew not to mess with you, you continue on. "What do you believe is most important to train first?" You question them, you then point to a person for them to answer.

"Your quirk?" They answer with a doubtful tone. Your expression remains neutral, not giving away any answers.

"Who agrees? Raise your hand. And do not be affected by peer pressure. You are your own individual person, and if you're affected by your peers you are not fit to be a part of this movement," You state with a firmness in your voice. As expected a majority of the hands went up, but there was a person in front who didn't.

"You," You focus your attention on them, they tense a bit but remain alert, "What do you believe is the most important thing to train first?"

"Your body..." They say in a low voice, and not many people could hear them.

"Mind speaking louder," You state to push them to be more confident in themselves. They repeat themselves to where everyone was able to hear they're response. "Now who agrees with them?" You question, everyone who previously raised their hand, put them down, showing only a handful raising their hand.

"You see, training your body will ultimately lead you to having better control over your quirk. The more aware you are of yourself, the easier it'll be to grasp your quirk. Starting today, I'll be showing you all ways to improve your physical shape and expect you to continue it on your own time. If you fail to do so, you will be left behind and I will not spare the effort to get you caught back up!" You announce clearly, and everyone seems to listen carefully despite their rising concerns.

You spend hours going through some exercises clearly, and making sure everyone got it down before taking a break. After the break you tell them what you expect them to do in their own time before calling it a day. Re-Destro is there when you turn around with a smile. "You really are an invaluable piece to us. We would likely just be a large force that would suffer many losses due to lack of training against pros who went through a lot of training to beat down on those with less fortune," He states, almost making you think of AFO.

"Oh, perfect. I assume you've heard of the drugs going around that can temporarily disable quirks. I was able to get us a large sum," You inform Re-Destro, having the drugs appear before you. Though you left a few samples of the disabling ones to hand over to Nighteye. And the ones that can reverse the effects stay put, considering you don't want them to be aware of them if they aren't already.

"Oh my! This is nearly enough to get every hero in'd you manage to get a hold of all of this?" He questions.

"It's nothing, if it means it can help our cause, I'll provide what I can," You tell him with a smile, which Re-Destro returns.

"Then we'll store these till we're ready to face the heroes. Oh! I see you even got the means to use them. You really did bring us quite the treat," He refers to the tranquilizer guns. You merely got it from Overhaul, so it was just a convenient coincidence. But for the sake of the mission, you don't plan on sharing that. "Also, I have something in mind that you could do for us," Re-Destro says, catching your attention.

A Part Of Your World {Bakugou x  (Fem) Reader}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora