First Date

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~Bakugou's POV~

Did... did I hear her right?! Did she say she might love me? My face feels like it's on fire after her sudden comment. And she looks so red, did she not intend to say that out loud? Though, she still has made various comments expressing how she feels about me, but how do I feel about her?

I keep calling her an idiot mainly because she doesn't take care of herself. Though I guess I might be concerned when she isn't taking care of herself. There's also other times when I feel... protective? At this point I think it'd be safe to say I like her too. She doesn't annoy me like shitty hair, and she understands me without me even having to change.

"Bakugou, I know that was a little forward, and while I might've mindlessly said it at the moment. It's true. Though I understand if you still need more time to figure out how you feel," She speaks up, making me realize the silent pause that was hanging between us before.

"Wait," I hurriedly said, seeing her start to shy away. She looks at me with surprised eyes. "I think I like you too, but don't expect all too much from me, alright?" I respond, voice becoming harsh as I think about how little experience I have in this type of thing.

Yet I watch as her eyes light up in joy and her smile is so wide that it completely blows all of her previous smiles out of the water. She wraps me into another hug, where it feels like she's shivering with excitement. It seems so foregein to me, yet I don't find myself uncomfortable. I feel happy that she responded this way when learning I feel the same way about her.

I feel my lips stretch into a partial smile, and just then she happens to withdraw and look at my face. She stares in awe at it before digging her face into my chest. Feeling confused at her reaction I try to get even a glimpse of her face, but she makes it a challenge.

~Normal POV~

You weren't expecting to see that expression on his face. Sure maybe the usual slight smile he'll dawn around you, but that partial smile made your heart race even more. You feel Bakugou moving around a bit, and figure it's to try and look at you.

But you try to recover before you even glance at his face again. Feeling rebalanced, you pull away, face still feeling red. "What was that about?" He asks, his normal harsh tone absent, a calm and curious tone in place of it.

You cover your mouth a bit out of shock. Though you pull your hand away and respond, "I was caught off guard, and reacted accordingly." Looking back at his face you see him now smirking. Part of you expects him to say something, but are completely thrown off guard when he suddenly gets close to your face.

Your face blooms into a deep red at the sheer nearness of your faces, and your eyes are just stuck on his. "Heh, guess I found another weak point of yours," He comments, starting to withdraw.

"Whatever, it's not like I'm ashamed of the fact I like you. I just find it a completely different story when experiencing this firsthand," You remark, cheeks puffing out a bit. His smirk remains intact, and he stands right before you. He grabs your chin, to regain eye contact. Having gained it, you instantly deflate, unable to stay mad at him much longer.

And before you realize it, he kisses your forehead, leaving your stomach to happily flutter. Your face goes red, yet you get the sense to get some revenge. Therefore, you rather mindlessly kiss his cheek in return. Bakugou's expression turns stunned while his cheeks go bright red. You end up smiling at the final result, and even reach to grab his hand.

"Now, are we going to train or are we going to return you to the rest of the class?" You inquire in a slightly teasing voice.

"We're training, I want you to shift into that taijutsu weirdo," Bakugou states, shedding some light on what he has planned. He takes the lead for directing us to the grounds he wants to train at. Once arrived you shift into Rock Lee, getting into a fighting stance while observing Bakugou. He shoots a few blasts and you wait till he nears.

A Part Of Your World {Bakugou x  (Fem) Reader}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora