The Angst That Follows With Leaving

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After a while of working with Kurama, you sense someone tapping your shoulder. Saying goodbye to Kurama, you crack your eyes open and look at the time. Seeing that it's about time that English will start, you head over, thanking Nezu for letting you know. As you approach the door you feel hesitant to open it.

Present Mic rounds the corner and pulls you in with him. "English is in session!" He exclaims and you can't help but smile. Though as you look over at the class and their shocked, but also hurt expressions, the smile fades. "Who'd like to start off the writing portion? Just write on the board and (L/N) will read it and give any tips needed," Mic explains the exercise.

Momo is the first to get up, you can tell she's nervous so you stop her and give her an encouraging smile. She visibly relaxes, and gives a determined nod. Going up to the board she writes, "I'm sad you won't be our classmate anymore, you're a huge reason why I'm trying to excel in english."

"Very well done, you've improved so much, and I'm sorry for the sudden news," You tell her, bringing her in for a hug. Which then causes Mina to bound up.

"Can I get a hug too? Also, you better keep being my friend!" She writes and you laugh a bit. Though your mind reminds you why you made the shift.

"I will probably be more busy, so it'll be harder for me to be around, but I'll try," You tell her, but still pull her into a hug. Denki stands up just as Kirishima was going to, and walks over to the board.

"Is this because of what happened last night? If it is then you should know that we all still want you around," Denki writes and looks at you, his eyes a bit watery.

"No, no it's not. There's just a lot that I need to work on, I'll still be around from time to time, but it's not because of you guys ok?" You comfort him, pulling him into a hug.

Kirishima gets up and writes, "You can talk to me whenever. I'll be there to listen, about anything. I'm sure we all will be." Your eyes water a bit at how wholesome that is and you just pull him into a hug, not really able to get much out.

There's a pause before anyone gets up. And it's Uraraka who gets up. "Stay in touch, and feel free to crash into our lessons," She writes and you laugh.

"I don't think I want to get on any of the teacher's bad sides. Though I will try to make some grand openings when I join you guys for training," You lightly joke, and Uraraka jumps into a hug. You smile and return it seeing Iida get up.

"Hope you will still become a hero," He keeps it simple and you smile.

"You've also improved greatly Iida, and I do plan on still becoming a hero of sorts. Just taking a new path," You say with a smile. Iida just bows, and you smile, returning the bow.

The majority of the other written phrases are similar to Iida's till there's only Shinso and Bakugou left. Neither of them show any signs of moving, until Shinso gets up and writes a single word. Thanks. You nod, a smile still prominent.

Bakugou gets up and writes, but keeps it hidden until he's finished. "Idiot," is all you see after he moves away and returns to his spot. There's a thick silence before the class erupts and starts to get on Bakugou's case.

"Enough!" Your voice thunders across the room, which helps when you shift into Madara. Seeing that they're all quiet, you continue back as yourself, "Bakugou was asked to write something in english. He did not have to follow suit with you guys and have something directed towards me. It's a single word that has no clear target. For all we know he could've meant someone else."

Most seem guilty and a good chunk of them apologize to Bakugou, who doesn't say anything in response. Present Mic takes back over, bringing in a new topic. You sit against the wall since all of the seats are full and work on your courses, seeing that your clone had them practically finished with.

A Part Of Your World {Bakugou x  (Fem) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now