Calm before the Storm

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As you wake up, you feel that your head is aching in pain. You raise your hand to touch the origin, but the pain quickly subdues. "Ah thanks Kurama for taking care of me while I was knocked out," You give your thanks, knowing he's most likely the cause for your quick recovery.

"Yeah, yeah, but you should go back to your class. The noise of their training has subdued," Kurama informs you, which causes you to flicker to the room. Your sudden appearance causes a few to jump in surprise considering All Might start to wrap up the analysis of the final match.

"Young (L/N) where were you?" All Might inquires, his wary eyes never moving from you.

"Training with my quirk, while I understand the value of these sessions, Today's lesson wouldn't have been as fruitful if I hadn't," You inform him.

"Ah that's right, you've got an interesting quirk, one the you claim to have developed recently," All Might comments aloud, causing the majority of the class to whirl their head in your direction.

"You're too kind, I just find the concept to make sense. Aside from that, I still struggle with knowing the side effects of using my quirk, putting me at a disadvantage. So please don't treat me differently because I seem to have good control over my quirk," You respond, remaining modest, but realistic.

"Mind if we talk after class, I have some questions about the use of your quirk during the entrance exams," He says, his eyes going right through you. You give a polite smile and tell him it'll be no problem.

After class is dismissed, the others go to math, leaving you with essentially a free period to work on your online course. You grab your computer, following All Might after you change out of your hero costume. Getting to the side room you faintly recognize from the show, you sit down on the couch, getting comfortable. Setting your computer down, you focus on him.

"You don't have to keep your muscle form intact around me," You comment, looking him dead in the eye. Catching the surprise that sprouts from them.

"So you know, about the nature of my quirk, or technically now Young Midoriya's," He says, after returning to his normal state. You nod, opening your computer and logging into your course. "Then you should know the magnitude of keeping it a secret," He says, as though I've made it obvious.

Your eyes cut over to him, a slight anger growing in them. He seems taken aback, and you calm yourself. "In all fairness, I do not wish harm to anyone here. In fact, I will take matters into my own hands if necessary. So you can sit here and think poorly of me, but it won't change the fact that I'm going to prevent as much damage as possible. If that means I end up as a top hero, then so be it, I will not stand around letting everyone get hurt when I could have prevented it," You firmly state your ground, your eyes burning into his to get the message across.

"Now if you don't mind, I'll take my leave to work on my academics," You part, taking your laptop along with you. As your anger boils, you sense Kurama feeding off of it as well. Taking a deep breath you help Kurama settle down along with you.

You rejoin your classmates as they are waiting around for Present Mic. "(L/N), where were you?" You hear Kirishima inquire. You face the direction where you heard his voice come from and you give an awkward smile.

"Ah, well you see, I'm ahead academically, so I take online courses in English to work on improving my academics while I'm here," You explain, feeling a pair of eyes observing you. Looking over to the set of eyes you see curious green eyes. Your eyes taint with sadness at what Deku has gone through, but you refocus on Kirishima.

"That's cool, at least we'll have classes together because of that," Kirishima chimes, and you hear a slight grumble come from beside Kirishima. Seeing Bakugou, you smile.

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