Changing Tides

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~Normal POV~

"Oh! I was supposed to help you with training by putting you under a genjutsu!" You state, nearly forgetting the entire point of you going to Katsuki's room. "How long do you want?" You inquire, having faith in Katsuki's capability of being under for an extended time. He thinks, while opening his dorm door.

"Think you could manage a year?" He asks, and you're a little stunned, but nod. Telling him to lay down, you put him under, and not too much later is he getting up and stretching. "So what're we working on today?" He inquires, to which you blink a bit. Seems like your version was fairly interactive.

"Welcome back, how was it?" You state to make him realize he's no longer training. He looks at you a little stunned, but he goes to flick your forehead to which you frown a bit. "What was that for?!" You question, a slight pouty lip present.

"Must've lost track of the days," He mutters. Though he sits down, "We first worked on improving my abilities with my quirk. After a while, I got stumped so your illusion helped me to build my power capacity," He calmly fills you in, and you feel like that's a product of undergoing training to increase his well of raw power.

"Hmm, it definitely appears you've done well with your year. Do you want to spar to show how far you've come along?" You inquire, still leaving him the choice of whether or not to rest up. He looks over at the time. Then he looks back at you before pulling you into him, and onto his bed. Leaning back, he takes the both of you to the point where you're laying beside each other. You smile at him, seeing that he's making the smart decision and resting up.

He holds onto you tightly, as if he never wants to let you go, making you wonder just what all he experienced. Still you don't complain and cuddle in as close as you can. "Even if I got to see you for that whole year, it was like you weren't truly there. Made me realize some shit," His voice is lowered, as if the words are for you and only you. You're surprised and flustered by his words. Still, you look up at him, showing that you're listening. He just looks into your eyes, as if to make sure he's truly out of the genjutsu.

~Katsuki's POV~

Looking into her eyes, I can already tell it's truly her. Allowing me to truly appreciate the way her eyes light up when they're fixed on me. And while the illusion had a very similar temperament to her, it was more like it was interacting with the others than me. It made me realize just how much she truly cares about me. I place my hand on the side of her face, startling her before her face begins to bloom red.

I miss seeing this expression, and I miss seeing her smile at watching me grow. The illusion really only seemed like a robot version of her. And I didn't expect to be so used to her sleeping beside me from the handful of times we have, but I found the space where she could be so empty. And I talked to the illusion, but it didn't feel the same. Just, nothing could compare to the (F/N) I know.

"It made me realize that I love you," I tell her, watching as she turns completely red and stunned to the point where she couldn't move. Still, I kiss her on the forehead, before pulling her close to me again. The illusion constantly was telling me this training was to make me the best possible for the Hero License Exam, making it near impossible to forget that it's tomorrow. So for now, I just want to hold onto this idiot until I fall asleep.

After a while, I feel (F/N)'s breathing start to even out to a slow, relaxed pace, implying that she's fallen asleep. The training with the illusion ended up forcing me to face a side of me I didn't want to see. But I managed to overcome that side of me just before I came out of the genjutsu. I know the Idiot tried to tell me that I would eventually come to terms with myself, though it was never directly. Made me wonder if she truly meant it.

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