Wild-Wild PussyCat Camp

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Cracking your eyes open, you wince a bit at your pounding head. You frown, not able to recall using your quirk to have a headache this bad. Looking at the time, your eyes widen realizing how late it got. You'd miss the bell if you didn't get ready now, considering you took off your hero costume. Scrambling to get ready, you change into your school uniform, and grab your suitcase that's holding your hero costume.

Teleporting to Nezu's, you're relieved to hear the bell just go off. "Hmm? Miss (L/N), I wasn't expecting you this early. Aizawa informed me you fainted last night. Though you should make your way over to Class 1-B if you don't want to miss the ride over with them," He chimes, reminding you about the camping trip.

Paling a bit, you teleport to the Class 1-A door, and rush over to Class 1-B. You recover a bit from sprinting before knocking on the door. Any small chatter you heard previously died out quickly. The door slides open, revealing Vald King. His eyes widen at your appearance, though he steps aside, letting you in.

Your eyes skim over the class, confirming that there's the main familiar ones present. Your eyes widen as you spot Kota, but you quickly recover, trying to avoid much suspicion. You didn't have the time to figure out who is missing from Class 1-B especially just by glancing. "What are you doing here?" Monoma asks, eyes slitted in suspicion.

"I'll be going with you on the camping trip, and I've already confirmed that Class 1-A will not need my presence on the way there," You inform him, calm and collected. Testutestu nudges Monoma, whispering something to him. And seeing Monoma stand up and approach you, you figure it's to try and copy your quirk.

You're slightly curious, but you figure that he most likely won't be able to. You stick your hand out, almost tauntingly offering him to try. "So you know my quirk. Wasn't sure since you seemed to be absorbed in your own world," He comments, shaking your hand. He takes a moment to think, but you don't see his appearance change.

"As I thought, you're unable to copy my quirk," You note aloud. In which Monoma's gaze cuts up to you. "My quirk is complex, and took years for it to truly develop. It's no surprise your body won't adapt itself. Plus we don't need you losing that personality of yours," You explain, watching as everyone's eyes widen at the slight glimpse of your quirk you gave them.

"Anyhow, we should probably make our way to the buses, no?" You state, turning to look at Vlad King. He curtly nods, taking the lead, speaking in Japanese. You're happy that you can make out the basics without issue.

The bus ride was uneventful, considering you were pretty much isolated. And you have to wait for Class 1-A once you've arrived. "Hey, do you know what's taking those Class 1-A losers so long?" Monoma saunters over to you, seeming to try and rile you up.

You look over to the forest, before looking at him again. "They're fighting a bunch of earth puppets made by one of the wild-wild pussycats. They'll be here in time for lunch," You tell him, being blunt. He scoffs, returning to his normal group. You sigh, but stretch a bit before going for a small jog around the camp.

By the time you make it by the entrance you see Class 1-A, even Kota. You see Deku approach him, and have to contain your laughter as Kota punches Deku's groin. You rush over, looking for your favorite blonde. Having spotted him, you Jump onto him, pulling him into a hug. "How were the rock dinosaurs?" You question, a smile playing on your lips.

He confidently smirks, setting off a handfuls of explosions. "They didn't stand a chance!" He says in that cocky tone of his. You smile, loving to see this side of him in person, even if it's not the best personality.

"Hmm, well we should go and get lunch started, we've got a long day ahead of us," You state, leading the way. The rest of the class follows suit, seeing that Class 1-B has already made their food. You didn't eat yet, mainly because you really haven't felt all too hungry. But after that jog, you knew better than to risk anything. Especially with the invasion being tonight.

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