Before Hand

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Waking up, you remember how today is the USJ attack. You get up and prepare Aizawa's pot as usual, but you stick around, making sure to tell Aizawa to not give any signs to 1-A. Seeing him groggily come out of his room at the smell of coffee felt amusing. "Morning," You say softly, but it causes Aizawa to look at you.

"I just wanted to make sure that you didn't give any clues to anyone. We can't be sure who to trust, as much as I hate to say it," You inform him, saying there'll be a reason to be wary of the students as well.

His eyes widen, considering your still being vague, but opening up. "Oh, before I forget... be careful okay?" You had started to head for the door, but you felt like you needed to say something to him. Your eyes are heavy as you recall what happens to Aizawa, before he can inquire anything, you are out the door.

You think of how you plan on limiting the injuries while having them gain this experience. You sigh heavily, not realizing you were in the school. "Something wrong (L/N)?" Kirishima inquires, making you jump a bit in surprise.

"Oh I'm just thinking!" You give him a smile, covering your previous troubled look. Kirishima's brows furrow in concern, but your expression doesn't twitch out of the easy going smile. He seems to break, or thinks that it really isn't an issue since he drops the matter.

The two of you idly chat on your way to class where you hear bickering. You sigh as you approach the doorway, having a decent idea as to what's going on. At the doorway you find Denki talking to Sero, but the majority of the noise is coming from Iida who is in between Bakugou and Deku.

You hear Kirishima sigh, and is about to go over. You go along with him, and you ruffle Bakugou's hair. Bakugou tenses, and opens his mouth to yell at you, but stops when he sees it's you. He mumbles something in Japanese, causing you to frown a bit. "Should I be worried why you're going after Deku?" You inquire, seeing Deku flinch a bit at the nickname.

You inwardly sigh at Deku's response, but keep your focus on Bakugou, who is slightly glaring at you with those scarlet eyes of his. "This damn nerd keeps mumbling and it's annoying," He comments, causing you to lightly smile.

"Here, you can use them in between classes, or during work time," You say pulling out a spare set of earbuds, handing it over. "It should help you from hearing Deku's rambles," You say a bit jokingly, your bright smile surfacing. Bakugou just takes them, a small huff escaping his lips.

There's a moment of silence, but it was quickly lost as people registered what happened. "Thanks," You hear Deku timidly say.

"Don't worry about it, but you should really work on your self esteem," You tell Deku before heading over to your desk, almost everyone watching you with their mouth open. Because while they may not know exactly what had happened, they know enough to realize I had calmed down Bakugou with little effort.

It was easy considering you spent a lot of time thinking about the ways you would step in. It always seemed to be tricky because you didn't want to do anything to make it seem you were looking down on Bakugou in any way. You sit down, pulling out your computer to see what you'll be working on today.

This time around Aizawa walks in with good posture, and a handful of paperwork. He says something while handing out the papers, and everyone receives one except for you. You slightly frown, but figured that if there was any reason you would need one, they'd figure out how to manage it.

Everyone starts to fill it out themselves, making you slightly anxious. "(L/N), do not worry they are only signing consent forms for the training course today," Aizawa informs you, explaining why you don't have one. You nod your head in understanding, this is the closest Aizawa can say something about being on guard without tipping off that something is going to happen.

After Todoroki finishes, you notice that he hands in the paper and grabs his hero costume. You follow in suit, grabbing yours and going to change into it. "Kurama, I've thought about it. If I shift into Naruto, and things aren't working out, I have it where you take over with the cloak," You inform Kurama who seems startled by your request.

"You sure kid?" He double checks, and you just nod wordlessly. "Alright, I'll try not to go overboard, but it's a lot harder for me to calm down, and it's also harmful to your body," He reminds you, and you sigh, telling him you're aware.

You step out, seeing Todoroki who you end up following like a lost dog. He doesn't comment, seeing as you were most likely left in the dark. You follow him to the bus, where you sit in the back corner opposite of Todoroki. As everyone files in, you notice Bakugou glance over at you, an earbud in his ear.

You smile, and notice that he sits by himself. You sit beside him, then Kirishima sits on the other side of Bakugou. Bakugou scowls, but you make yourself comfortable. You don't bother him, seeing as Kirishima is talking with him. You smile at the two, remembering how they work well with each other during the attack.

Then Bakugou explodes with anger, making you jump from the sudden change of temperament. You look at who it's directed to and see Tsu. Right, they commented on Bakugou's behavior, which he only backed up.

You feel a pair of eyes observing you, so you look to the owner. You feel a bit surprised to see Mina, but then you realize you had essentially flaked on her. You go over to her, which causes Iida to speak up. You shoot him a quick glare, which quiets him down instantly. "I'm sorry, I forgot about us hanging out. Something came up, and I wanted to make sure I was prepared for it," You apologize to her, feeling guilty.

"It's alright, I'm not mad about that, I was more focused on your feelings towards a certain blonde," She gives a knowing smirk.

"Huh?" You start of confused, but remember that she isn't aware of how bad you've got it for him. You turn red and become flustered. "Mina, I swear," You say a bit threatening, but it falls flat due to how embarrassed you are that she found out so quick.

"Hmm? Well I'm going to go over by Kirishima" She asks with feigned innocence. You grab her wrist as she gets up.

"Mina," You say sternly, which must be an odd sight considering how red your cheeks feel.

"Is there a problem with me going to sit by Kirishima?" She speaks up a bit, grabbing more attention, particularly over by the duo you were previously by. You snarl a little, but let go of her hand.

Fuming, you look out the window. Though you find your mind being weighed down with thoughts about what's about to happen. You decide to shift into Naruto, making a clone to start working on generating into sage mode. Shifting back to normal, the clone remains, staying in the meditative state.

"What're you planning on using sage mode for?" Kurama inquires.

"Rasegenshuriken," You say Naruto's devastating air style rasegan. Kurama falls silent, knowing the level of damage that can make. You don't plan on underestimating the power of the Nomu. You notice eyes on you, but you ignore them. They don't need to know the point of you doing this.

A person comes over by you and the clone, you look to the person to see Aizawa. "Training, I'm trying to use a jutsu. In order for it to be not harmful to my body, I'll need sage mode," You explain, as though it's just normal training. Though Aizawa knows exactly why you've decided to do this.

You look at the clone, noticing it's showing the sign already of developing sage mode. It should be ready by the time you need to fight. "Impressive you can still maintain the clone outside of the shift," Aizawa complements before returning to his position at the front of the bus.

Then the building comes into view, your stomach drops and a frown tugs on your lips. You take a deep breath, calming yourself. You have your suit, and with your training to shift into various people, you should be able to change this fight drastically.

A Part Of Your World {Bakugou x  (Fem) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now