Match up Training

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You watch the matches, seeing that the experience from the USJ has definitely benefited them. You feel yourself becoming relieved that they're doing alright. You look at the two you'll be going against. Todoroki and Aoyama. It's a pair that you could face on your own, but with Deku as your partner, you'll need to figure something out.

You also know that you'll only be dealing with Todoroki's ice, not his fire. Which makes it much easier, considering you just need to stay airborne. Though that's where Aoyama can act as a sniper. You'll have to exhaust him out or distract him with various clones, the real you shifted as Hawks.

Though what to do about Deku. "Deku, a moment to talk strategy?" You say, grabbing Deku's attention. He nods and you walk a fair distance away, but still in sight. "I want you to just work on your quirk control. I mean no offense, but ground beta is a great playground for you to test your control over your quirk. I can handle the two. I'll be shifted as Hawks, so if one of them is after you just signal and I'll be there in a snap," You inform Deku, who seems surprised by your request.

"But, surely I can be of more use!" Deku tries to take on more responsibilities.

"The sooner you master your quirk, make it your own... the sooner you'll be able to achieve great things. You're too much in your head, though I can't say much either, but it's what is causing you to struggle getting your quirk down," You give him some insight.

Deku sighs, but agrees that it's probably best. Returning, we're in time for us to figure out the target volunteer is Mineta. Great, you wanted to end this quick, looks like you'll be waiting out the clock. Who knows, maybe you'll just have an Itachi shift to put Mineta in a genjutsu.

Once started, you instantly make multiple clones, the real you shifted into Hawks as planned. Getting an aerial view, you direct your clones to the duo. Once engaged in attack, you have a handful of clones stay back, making it hard to know which one is the real you. Well at least if the tracker is spread out amongst them.

Though with how Todoroki looks at the device then directly at you, you sincerely doubt it. You send a few feathers, pinning the duo to the wall. A clone shifts into the first hokage, using wood release to trap the two where they are. The only way out is if Todoroki decides to use his fire.

Though, being the stubborn person Todoroki is about using his fire back then, he tries to use ice to escape. Aoyama decides to use his laser, which allows it to burn through space large enough for the two to get out individually. Though you notice Aoyama clutching his stomach for a moment.

Looks like Aoyama is out for the count for a while. You perch at the top of a building looking down to observe them. Todoroki, being frustrated, sends a wall of ice that reaches you, but is just out of range. You figured as much, hence why you didn't flinch at the attempt. Sending the clones after them magain, you feel Kurama build up in one of them. In response one clone shifts into the first hokage to restrain Kurama from getting out.

"Kurama, what's going on?" You inquire, confused as to why he's showing up.

"Sorry kid, but seeing that from another perspective, you almost getting impaled by ice, did not stir good emotions," Kurama explains, sounding drained from the first hokage's jutsu. You nod your head in understanding, which probably confused a handful of people.

Aizawa's voice comes on over the intercom, so you figure that it's time to head back. Shifting back to normal, you just walk back with everyone this time. You were shifted for ten minutes just as Hawks, so you're hoping symptoms don't show up. Your clones poof out of existence, cutting off that timer. Pulling out your phone, you don't spot any change in appearance, but that doesn't mean you didn't have a shift in personality.

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