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You blink your eyes, groaning at the annoying sound. Though as you wake up, you realize it was talking. Rubbing your eyes to adjust your eyes, you look to see Aizawa and Present Mic talking at the table. You can't clearly hear them, but still get bits and pieces. Though as you move, they instantly stop talking and look at you. Both of them rush over, treating you as though you're porcelain. "Gosh, was it for two days that I was asleep for you guys to be treating me like this?!" You remark to which they remain silent.

You lunge for your phone before either of them could stop you. It was Monday morning. You were knocked out, recovering for a whole day. And chances are that UA is back in session, with the new dorms. "Ah, guess I'll have to get stuff for my dorm after school today," You sigh, not too alarmed that you missed a day.

The two look at each other, seemingly confused about your reaction. You shrug and get up. Seeing as there's food on the table you sit down, seeing that they've already started eating. After the exam, you learned that you can face the Chasaki on your own. Therefore, you want to try and do some research discreetly, but have no idea where to start. And even if you can't manage to find them soon, you'll be able to easily reserve a position in the mission to save Eri.

And if you're lucky, you can actually deal with the situation as soon as Deku encounters her. Though, thinking back on it, you thought you were going to be taking the exam with the rest of Class 1-A. Your phone buzzes with an unfamiliar number. Reading it, it's clear it's the commission, and they want to talk. Your expression hardens. Could you really manage to fake your entire personality constantly?

Sure you've hidden some secrets, but not entirely well as proven by a group of people no longer trusting you. Another ding brings you back. It's a notification about your plane ticket to I-Island. You bolt up realizing that's today. "Oh crap! UA isn't going to be running for another couple of days right?" You look to Aizawa to confirm your thoughts, he nods, explaining that it should be Wednesday.

You quickly respond to the commission letting them know that you can talk on Wednesday, and you go to Katsuki's with a hastily packed bag strapped onto your back. Knocking on the door, you see Katsuki all ready, to which you quickly travel to the airport with him. The time seemed to stop at how fast you were moving, though shifting helped with the speed aspect. You manage to make it on the plane in time for boarding.

You let out a relieved sigh, glad that notification warned you. Airplanes haven't changed much, as shown in the movie, but you're still relieved that it wasn't due to the fact there was a lapse in creative liberty. You sit in the center, Katsuki having the window. You yawn, sit a bit tired from the license exam. Trying to get comfortable in your seat, Katsuki pulls your head to his shoulder. "Just get some rest Idiot. We'll be there in a few hours," He comments, to which you comply with a smile.

You're nudged awake, with the plane on the ground, you quickly get up and leave the plane, Katsuki trailing close behind. There's one thing that you want to do, and it's the challenge with robots. "Katsuki," You say, catching his attention, "Deku is here as a fair warning, just don't want you to be startled." He grumbles, but you can't quite figure out what he's saying.

Both of you changed into your hero costumes, and started to walk around together. Suddenly the press confronts you, "You're a Japan hero-in-training that came from America, correct?" One asks you directly to which you confirm. "Recent news declares that you've already received your license, is this true?" One asks, which causes Katsuki to look at you surprised. You once again confirm, but decline any more questioning since you want to enjoy the event.

"Katsuki, I swear that I didn't intentionally blindside you. The exam was more taxing than I realized and was wiped out for an entire day. When I woke up, I realized I had to get to the airport, and you know the rest," You quickly explain before Katsuki starts to think otherwise.

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