USJ Attack

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The bus stops, You carefully maneuver around your clone, not wanting to disrupt its progress. You then follow everyone into the USJ to be greeted by 13. You hear murmurs about All Might, only for Aizawa to pipe up. Everyone settles a bit more, then focuses on 13.

Then you see it. The portal opened up behind 13. Aizawa says something to the class, before reaching for his scarf. You shift, getting in front of him before he can launch into the fight. "Take me with," You say flatly. His eyes widen, but he lets you go with him. You only make clones to assist, but they all shift into Aizawa, making the numbers decrease greatly.

"Hello there," You hear a voice sound behind you, sending shivers down your spine. You crane your neck only to see Kurogiri blocking your classmates from leaving. You create another clone shifting it into Hawks. You send out multiple feathers, and Kurogiri notices. Though when they don't come near him he calmly states, "You missed."

"Funny, I think I did exactly as intended," You comment, seeing everyone having a feather in their possession. "This'll work as a communication amongst us. I doubt I'll get one outside the building," You say to your classmates who are just bewildered, some people translate for those who don't know english well.

"Why would we need to communicate if we're all here?" Deku asks, confused.

"Because of that," You point to Bakugou and Kirishima launching their attack on Kurogiri. Soon after you are enveloped in darkness. Blinking again, you're alone with tons of small-time villains approaching. You smirk. Shifting into Todoroki, you freeze them all into place. Though one with a heat quirk gets to you, knocking you out. Much to his surprise you poofed into thin air. Then reappear, knocking him out.

You're real self has shifted into Itachi, focusing on Shigaraki. You flicker up to him, and he seems startled, but you catch him up in a genjutsu. Though in turn you receive a blow from the Nomu. The hit did nothing as your body was replaced with crows. Your body rematerialized a safe distance away. You notice Shigaraki coming out of the genjutsu, and looking at you angrily. Shifting back to Naruto, you make a few more clones, one shifting into Aizawa to keep Shigaraki from using his quirk. The others help you fight the Nomu.

You're able to land a hit with rasengan, and it does some serious damage, but not enough. Growling quietly, you recall the clone you made earlier, gaining sage mode. "What do you think you can do kid? This Nomu was made to face All Might, it's nothing you'd be able to handle on your own," Shigaraki snides.

"You know, I hate people like you, always thinking that strength is something you're born with. I'm here to show ya that it takes hard work to have strength!" You call out, making the rasenganshuriken. The Nomu takes the full front of the blow, but the jutsu deteriorates the Nomu quickly as it attacks in every direction.

There's a stunned silence, and almost all of the villains that were focusing on Aizawa and your other clones rush to you, seeing you as the bigger threat. You get into a fighting stance, but all of a sudden your head throbs with indescribable pain. You recall some unnecessary clones, which helps a bit.

You don't recall much as you fight, you just remember Shigaraki and Kurogiri escaping. Then you remember hitting the ground from exhaustion. Now, you're looking up at a white ceiling. You can only presume you're in the hospital again. "Kid, I'm sorry. I had to otherwise you might be dead now," You hear Kurama apologize.

"Hmm? You're alright Kurama. I told you in advance it was a last resort, and I was shifted into Naruto so it's all right," You brush off Kurama's apology, assuring him it's alright. You move to get up while looking at your surroundings. Your body looks alright, if you had to guess, it was most likely mental.

Getting off the bed, you feel relieved to still be in your hero costume. Shifting into Kakashi, you flicker to Aizawa's place. You see it's empty, so you look at the time. Your eyes widen to see that two days have passed. Flickering into your classroom, there's a moment of shock as everyone takes in your presence.

"Ohayo," You say casually due to Kakashi's personality. The classroom practically blows up and crowds you. You feel overwhelmed, and just flicker over to where Aizawa is. Though you feel like that's a mistake once you see the glare in his eye.

You laugh nervously as you shift back to normal, your suit returning to its metallic appearance. "You should be in the hospital resting," Aizawa says sternly.

"Eh, I didn't sustain much physical damage, so what did I miss? Oh wait... I've got a lot of homework to catch up on," You groan after the last statement as you remember that you have online courses. You look at the time again, seeing that the class is almost over. "Sorry Sensei, I've really got to catch up, don't want to be falling behind!" You say, as you shift to flicker away.

Before he can stop you, you've already flickered to Aizawa's to grab your computer and start working. You're able to catch up on all your assignments in time to flicker back to the rest of your class. "Ohayo!" You say cheerfully, announcing your arrival.

Mina rushes over, being the first one to reach you. "Girl, you seriously worried us there! You went all crazy, turned into this fox looking thing. Before Aizawa could cancel out your quirk, you sent him to a different part of the USJ!" She informs you about when Kurama took over.

Your eyes widen, you hurt Aizawa? "Kid, I said I was sorry. I wasn't thinking clearly, I just knew that he couldn't figure out that I'm a part of you now. It would make everyone treat you like they did Naruto," Kurama apologizes.

"It's okay Kurama, I left you to deal with that situation alone. But I need to check on him," You tell Kurama, making your way to Aizawa. You duck out of the classroom, and tag down Present Mic. "Where's Aizawa?" You inquire, before receiving directions.

You bolt in the direction, not sure if Aizawa would be on the move or not. Crashing into the room, it's silent, and you see his sleeping bag on the floor. Looking inside you see a tired Aizawa, who barely seems to register that it's you. You shift into Tsunade, checking him to see if you had caused any serious injury.

After a while of healing him, you feel content walking back to class. You return to see All Might animatedly talking, but as you walk in wordlessly, the room goes silent. "You're late," Is all he says, and you don't respond. You just bow, and return to your seat.

You try to pay attention, but it does no good since you don't understand a word. So in turn, you start to get bored. The next thing you know, you're being nudged. You look up, only then realizing you fell asleep. "Must've been more tired than I thought," You mutter, a yawn making it hard to know exactly what you were saying.

"Idiot, get up, we're going to the training grounds," Bakugou's calm voice snaps you awake. You look up at him, not having expected him to be the one to wake you. "Are you just going to sit there and stare at me?" He comments, a smirk forming on his lips.

Heat surges up your cheeks, and you apologize as you look away. Noticing your class had already gone ahead. Shifting, you flicker both you and Bakugou to the changing rooms, knowing he needs to change yet. "What the?" Is all the response you hear from Bakugou before you hear another voice call out to you.

"Young (L/N)! May we talk before class starts?" All Might says in his normal 'heroic' tone. You let him lead the way, not quite sure what to expect from the conversation. You don't go far from the training grounds, but far enough away that you aren't interrupted.

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