6. How time does fly

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Nipa POV:

After talking with Mumu I got ready and sent her a pic. She said it was okay. No, perfect. So I'll go like this.

As I was leaving my room, I noticed that how messy the room was. While getting ready I did this . I'll be at home after midnight maybe. But mom said there'll be some guests tonight at our house. They're coming from village and stay at our house. They might use my room too. So I think I have to clean up the room before going.

As soon as I thought that, my mom entered the room. She looked all over the room and rolled her eyes. "What do you think you're going?huh? Clean this room first, FAST!", She said in a very angry tone.

"Mom I was thinking the same. I was about to clean up the room", I said. "It doesn't seen what you say. Did you forget that I said some guests are coming", she said in a disapproval. "No mom please believe me I am saying the truth", I said and she rolled her eyes,"You're not even believing me And that's so nice of me thinking to clean the room when I'm getting late for my friends wedding".

"If you're that excited to go, then why did you argue with your brother? He tried to convince you but you started a fight earlier and he left alone", she said. I was about to say something but she cut me off. .." I'm going for 10 minutes. When I come back I want to see the room shining. Got it", she said and I just nodded. Then she left slamming the door.

I quickly started to clean the mess. But it already passed 10 minutes. Luckily my mom didn't come yet. I kept my work. Finally I was done. Then I took my purse and left my room.

I was in the hall room then I Heard my mom, "Nipa! Come here!". I followed the voice. It was coming from the kitchen.

I went to the kitchen and she said," I hope you did what I said. Now clean these dishes. I've some work to do". "What? Now ? But mom-", I said but she cut me off. "Do what I say. You can't go without cleaning those. You're lucky that I'm not telling you to cook for the guests. If you don't hurry up I'll change my mind", she said.

I nodded and quickly started. At first I out my purse aside and thighed my apron carefully, as I don't want to make my dress dirty. I washed the dishes ASAP.

"Why you do this to me all time? Why I have to do all the work? Why I don't have any freedom? I'm an adult now! You don't say anything to my brother! You only live him not me! Even he does something wrong you don't give him punishment. And you always think I'm wrong. Why me every time? This is why I become late for everything every time. I can never go to hang out with my friends in time. Because of you. .... nobody loves me. What have I done to get this", I yelled while sobbing and cleaning the dishes. But there was nobody to hear me.

After doing my job I took a look in the mirror. My makeup was in a mess for sobbing. So I fixed my makeup ASAP and finally left my home.

I took my car but driver was not here. Do I drived my self. I was almost near the Venue then someone called me. I didn't even check the caller ID. I received and said," Hello! I'm on my way. Bye". Then cut the call and started driving.

The road was in a heavy traffic . The car was hardly moving. But soon there was an intense jam. The vehicles were not moving at all. I put down the glass and asked a passerby , "Excuse me , sir. Why there is so much jam now?" "There was a little accident and now people are fighting", he said. " How much time it'll take to clear up the road?" I asked. "Maybe half and hour", he said. I thanked him and out my glass up .

"Oh God! Why this with me again? I was already late. I don't have much time I've to go now", I said to myself. Then I sided my car and got down. I was walking my way. But suddenly my hills broke. I was about to fall but luckily I caught a tree beside the road.

"Wow now this! Looks like universe doesn't want me to go there in time", I cursed taking my hills in my hand.

I looked at my surroundings. I saw some rickshaws. I called one and went to the nearest shoe shop by it . Then I quickly bought a pair if shoes. I swear I never bought something this quickly . I'm very picky and turbulent while shopping.

Then I came out from the shop. But I didn't find the rickshaw there. I told it to wait for me. Disappointment hit me. I started walking but I was tired. So I stopped and waited for 7 minutes then I found a rickshaw and reached at the venue.

When I reached the venue I saw there was police vans at the entrance. I thought I must be in a wrong place. I asked the driver, " Are you sure we came to the right place ?" He replied in the affirmative.

Then the vans started moving. I glanced at the back to see who was in it. I got 440 volts shock and my jaw dropped when I saw.......the vans were taking none other than my friends....all of them.

They saw me too. I was about to scream but Mumu out a finger in her lips staring at me. So I kept quiet as I understood her gesture. Soon all the vans left and I was left alone there.

After a few seconds I heard someone crying behind me. I saw sanjidah's mother, Siddharth's mother was crying and some other people were consoling them. I went to them and asked what was happened . She saw me and hugged me. I hugged her back and heard the story from her.

To be continued.....

Guys my exams are going on. So it was a late update. I'll try to update the next part soon but I don't know when. Please pray for me that I can pass it. 🥺

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