14. Marriage

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Sanjidah POV:

Our cab came back to the hall first. I saw our family was there at entrance. As soon as I stepped out of the car my mom hugged me.

She started crying saying, "What just happened! Why it had to be happened? Why you? Are you okay? Did you get hurt?.... ".

I know my mom was worried for me. But always she gets overprotective. And for her this kind of behavior I feel insulted. Cause I can't tolerate anyone's pity. Actually it's not like that. I love my mom very much. And I don't like it at all if she gets hurt or worried. This feeling of mine tends to act like a cold person. I can't control but bahave cold when my mom acts like this. Same goes for Mumu and Sharad. I end up behave cold with them. They also care and pity for me. I don't want it . Because I try to be  strong and independent. Because I was really weak in my past.

"Mom please. I'm okay! I was just got arrested not like I had an accident and also everyone was also with me . So chill! ", I said.

" But how did you guys got bail? Are you proved innocent? ", Mrs. Chopra asked.

" No . We just got bail . But I hope we'll get clean chit soon", I said with a fake smile.

"Oh  God! Why is this man like this? Standing like a statue! Can't he answer his own mom? I have to do everything ", I thought in my mind while staring at Siddharth.

" I know what I am. But don't stare at me like that", he said with a scary gesture.

By that time other cabs also came. But suddenly  Jhinuk started crying. Then she ran and hugged SIDDHARTH.

I was shocked!

Siddharth is the last person she would hug. Not only her but also everyone. Why would anyone hug a man like him?

"What the hell.....", Zain murmured.

I don't know what to say. So I made an eye contact with Mumu.

"Ah ... Um... Oh.. Jhinuk... Ah... Shh... Don't do.... I mean ... Don't cry.... What.. what happened?You can tell ..... Umm... Me..... Ah ... Jhinuk... Leave him... You're hur.... Hurting him", Mumu said while patting her back and pulled her from the hug by grabbing her shoulder. Then she wiped the younger's tears.

Siddharth looked at me and gave a weird look. But we all had weird look on face. For the first time Siddharth seems like a normal person.

"Ah... I'm ... I'm sorry... Actually.... Actually.. I wanted to hug sanjidah but I accidentally hugged you... Sorry", Jhinuk said but Siddharth didn't reply.

"It's okay. But why did you want to hug me?", So I said

"Actually... It's... I came to know that you were in fi-", Jhinuk was saying but Zain cut her off by putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Far.. far! She means your car was far away from us so she was missing you", Zain said.

But I can't buy it.

"C'mon duh! What are you 12?", Fariea said while punching her arm playfully.

"No. Because it's your last moment with us", Jhinuk said .

"Ah chill! I'm gonna marry not suicide", I said.

"But it's like suicide", Siddharth said.

"Huh? What do you mean?", Sharad asked raising his eyebrows.

"I mean for me", Siddharth said.

I hope so.

"Chill! Sanjidah isn't like those typical girl. She's really cool", Moon said.

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