18. Empty handed

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Hello guys I'm back. I'm sorry. A/N at the end. Please give that a read also.


"Did you watch the time?", My mom yelled as soon as I entered the house.

I was too exhausted to even talk . I took a glass of water from the table and went to ta sofa to sit.

My mom got angry without any answer, " At first you come home this late and now you're ignoring me!? HOW DARE YOU?! and where's your sister Nipa? ".

Hearing her name my heart clenched. Maybe it was the last day I saw her . But how do I tell this to mom!

"Mo-m me I mean N-nipaa ", I stammered.

"Stop stammering and tell me" , she put her hands on her waist.

" She is - actually it happened - I mean", I was stammering again but then she glared at me .

" MomNipaiskidnapped", I said in a breath.

" What! "

" Y-yes"

" What do you mean? Explain! Now! ", Mom ordered.

" Mom actually we were at the wedding. Then suddenly police came and arrested us. Nipa didn't reach till that so she was outside. She helped us to get out of the jail. But when we came out we couldn't find her. Then we came to know that-", I choked my own saliva and decided to skip the Tanu part.

" That? "

" Nipa was kidnapped! "

" Did you inform the police? "

"Yes but at first we found her location and we went to save her. We found her there and we were about to run away but we got caught. They took her away from a Jeep. We ran after that but we couldn't save her. Then we informed police. They told us to go home they'll find her. But there's no hope to find her. And we-" , I cut of by a sudden pressure on my face.

Mom slapped me.

"What did you say! What did you say?", Mom clenched my collar and Shaked me.

"I said Nipa is kidnapped", I replied to get another slap.

"And you just came back home without searching for her?!", She stopped shaking me.

"No mom, I tried but it wasn't possible. Then the police told to go home", I clarified myself.

"Police is doing their work and you've to do your work. Oh God ! She isn't your step sister! How can you do this? How can you come home Empty Handed?!"

"Then what do I do?", I asked as there's nothing I could do.

"I don't know. Just go. Don't come back until you bring her. Oh God! Why didn't you get kidnapped instead of my sweet little daughter! ", She said which hurt me.

" Mom! I'm your son too", I yelled at her back for the first time"

"Shut up! You're not my son if you can't bring her. Now go and come back with her or not", she pointed towards the door.

"But Mom -" , she cut me off. " I said Go! Leave my house right now! And don't show your face again if you can't bring my daughter safe and sound! It's all your fault! And your friend Sanjidah's"

" But how- " I couldn't finish my words again. She started dragging me towards the door.

" Mom please listen to me "

  " No"

" Please don't do this to me"

" Why won't I ? "

" You can't do that to me I'm an adult and I've my own rights"

" Oh good then you can live alone . Don't come back", she opened the door and pushed me outside and closed the door at my face.

" Dammit",I kicked the door.

My vision started to get blur as tears fall from my eyes. I was hurt. Very very hurt. My own mom kicked me out of my own house? I always thought mom loved me more than Nipa as she always treated me well and scolded Nipa. But it was all LIE! NOBODY LOVES ME!

I sat down in front of my house and started crying. My while life was a lie. I was being fooled. My own mom did that to me? She can only see nipa now and not me. Not that how much hurt I'm now? What can I do in this situation? How can I save Nipa? I'm not a superhero.  But still she did that. I wish Nipa never comes back then it'll be better.

Then it hit me what was I saying. " Holy shit! No no no! How can I say that? This can't happen. There's no fault of Nipa here. She is innocent and she was never bad to me or anyone else. How can I do this? How can I see that words! I'm so bad! I'm selfish. Oh God I fell so guilty", I said to myself and started slapping myself and crying more.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Mom", I turned around.

"What happened, Arnav?" Neil said.

I hugged him and started crying. He patted my head . Then I told him everything.

"Oh Arnav it's not like that. Your mother just got a huge shock that's why she behaved like that. And don't feel guilty. It's okay, you were hurt. It's okay. Now get up. We have to go to find Nipa for real", he wiped my tears.

"Yeah", I said and got up.

" Oh boy - I never saw you crying. You look so cute while crying. You should cry more", he said making me chuckle.

"Shut up", I hit his chest playfully then we both laughed .

"But tbh you proved today that you're Nipa's brother. Like brother like sister", he said.

"Maybe haha but let's go now. But don't you dare to tell anyone about what happened just now", I said and we left to find Nipa.



I'm really sorry my dear readers. I was inactive for months. Actually many things happened to me. One night I was in Wattpad suddenly I noticed a theif at my window. I got scared. But I didn't know it was that much. After that night I couldn't sleep peacefully at night for months. As a result my mental health got worse. After that I updated only a few chapters then I stopped. I lost my courage to write. I was losing myself. I always thought of writing but I didn't have the confidence as I'm losing my precious readers. I tried to know more skills of writing. But still I was afraid to write. But finally I did it today. I'll feel less burdened now. I know that my story has some mistakes in previous chapters so I'll edit it to correct it. And I'll try to write on regular basis now as my exam is finishing also . I know you might find it silly. Even I think too. But my subconscious mind don't understand. And the lack of sleep caused many problems for me. Even I struggled with my study during the exam .

Thank you so much who read it. It means a lot to me. And please support me. I need it.

And they'll find Nipa on next chapter I won't drag this too much but there'll be some twists.

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