21. Final Destination

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Sanjidah POV:

Sharad and I stole a bike to go. I don't even know whose it. After riding some time I saw some of my friends hiding behind a tree. So we got down and went to them. They told that others went inside and kept them there. But they were worrying as it was taking a lot time. We told them to stay there. And we entered here. But by the backdoor. After walking we found a couple of horse and decided to ride it. On our way of search we found swords on wall and took them. Luckily both of us practiced sword at school. We searched for them and followed the sound.

Now we're here. Our friends are tied with ropes. "Go", I motioned him. He start fighting with enemy.

And I go to my friends. At first I cut Fariea's rope with my sword and she fall down . I brought extra swords and give her one. "Fight"

Then I cut Zain open. "Go outside from the way we entered. Others are there. Go fast you're hurt ", I command.

" But-" , he tries to say something. "Just go", but I don't listen to him. So he followed my instructions.

Then I cut ropes of the remaining 4. "Nipa!", I handed her the last piece of sword. She is good with sword too. And she starts fighting.

Sharad and Fariea handled the situation well. "Mumu, get back", I tell her and Neil's helps her to get on  back of my horse.

Shaurya tooks the sword from Fariea and sends her to me too . "Sanjidah!", Mumu screams as someone to hit me from behind but I kill him with my sword. Everything is fair in love and war.

Neil sends Nipa  next. We fight sitting at the horse. Then the boys get on Sharad's horse. Our enemies are finished and we move toward the gate to leave.

But suddenly a smell hits my nostrils. A gas. I see a Black gas filling through the air. I try not to breathe but my mind stops working and everything turns Black.

I wake up with a headache. I open my eyes to find nobody in front me. I'm somewhere else. A closed room with metal walls. I look at my sides to find my friends tied to to the chair at both sides. We're in a row. All of them are senceless.

"Ahhhhhhhh! Wake uppppppp!!", I scream as loud as I can so that they wake up. And it worked.

"Where are we ?"

"You're here too?"

"Where am I?"

"How did I come here?"

"You are here too!"

Their voice is coming to me but I'm not sure who all is here. Because I can only see two person. Sharad at my left and Zain at my right. Why do I always get stuck better these two.

"I'm calling you by names. If you're here say yes", I state loudly.

"Who are you?", A guy speaks

"I'm Sanjidah. So.."

" Sharad! "

" Arpita "

" Arnav"

" Mumu"

" Shuv"

" Jhinuk "

" Zain"

" Fariea "

" Shaurya "

All of them response with yes

" Nipa", no response, "Nipa!"

"She is still unconscious. I'm Maisha"



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