8. Police station.

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3rd person POV:

The police took everyone and locked up in the police station.
In one cell it was - Siddharth, sanjidah, Sharad, Zain , Fariea, Mahesh, Maisha, Moon and Shuv. And at the opposite cell it was - Mumu, Tanzila, Rittik, Jhinuk, Arpita, Neil, Arnav and Shaurya.

"What the heck! I need to talk to my lawyer for bail. It's my right! Why are you doing this? Give me my phone right now! I want to call! Do you forget the law?" Siddharth yelled.

"Shut up! We don't have to learn law from a criminal like you. Here take your phone. But put it in speaker. I'm hearing you", a policeman said and handed him his phone.

Siddharth called his lawyer. And he picked up. "Hello sir, how can I help you?", Voice came from the phone.

" I'm at the police station. I need bail right now. Do your job ASAP and give me a bail", Siddharth said and cut the call.

" Wait, what do you mean by me? Are you only trying to bail yourself? Not us?", Sanjidah asked furiously.

"Yeah, so what? I'm only bailing myself. I don't care about these guys", Siddharth said.

"What! But what about Sanjidah? You're going to marry her soon. And you're leaving her here?.", Maisha asked.

"Yes. She can come with her freaking friends who caused this problem. For you guys our marriage stopped. Otherwise we were married already", Siddharth said.

" But what about me? I'm your friend. Not their", Moon yelled.

" Oh yeah , I forgot about you", Siddharth muttered.

" See sanjidah! What kind of man you are going to marry!" Mumu screamed from the other cell, "well were",she smirked.

"Oh that means you did all of these to stop my marriage. Am I right or am I right?" Siddharth accused her.

"What! No! She didn't do anything", Sharad yelled.

" And why are you so sure? That means you did this. Right?", Siddharth asked raising an eyebrow.

" Uff! Maisha get up", sanjidah demanded. " Why?" , Maisha startled. " I said get up" and this time Maisha got up without any inquiries.

Then sanjidah quickly sat where Maisha were sitting beside Moon. Then she took legs up and hugged while buried her face in her knees.

"Sanjidah, are you crying?" , Fairea asked . "No, I'm just frustrated 🥴", sanjidah replied.

"Whatever now reply me , Sharad", Siddharth said. "I didn't do anything but I know who did this", said Sharad.

"Who? ", Shaurya yelled from the other cell.

"I can call my lawyer for us", Shuv said. "Excuse me, police, I need to call my lawyer. Please give me my phone to make a call", he said.

"I already give you permission to call once. I can't give you anymore", the policeman said.

" But he only called for his bail", Shuv said. " That's none of my business", the policeman irked.

" Damn it! Why didn't I called first", Shuv said clenching his fist.

" It's okay. Someone will come to bail us", Mumu said with an assuring smile.

Siddharth laughed.

After few minutes.

"Someone came to see you all", the policeman said.

" See I told", mumu smirked.

Then the person came. And it was none other than NIPA. " NIPA!" every one yelled.

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