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"No. No way. Now, I believe I'm wrong." That's what she thought. She's the owner of curly black-brunette hair and a pair of hazel eyes. She was only 16 years old. She was grow enough to know something which supposed not to be known by the children on her ages, yet she was mature enough to learn how to act.

It was not the first time she looked at someone's eyes and found something would be happen on their lives. It's been 10 years she has been deal with it and will always be stick on it in days, even years. It's not an easy thing for her, obviously. Knowing something that would be happen made her feels restless. In this world, there are not only good things happen. Bad things would always put its colours into the lives as well.

She was keeping it by herself, even though she knew there's something was going to crack her life. No. It's not because she was strong. She just tried to control the situation, so it would not be worsen, because the only strength she has was coming from the existence of the left-people around.

She couldn't take her eyes off one person who has been one of her role models in ages. Although she kept guessing and was doubtful for what she found, her deepest heart didn't expect it at all. In years, she might find something like this in other's. But this time, she found it in a person who is a part of herself. She didn't even know whether she was ready to accept the truth.

A farewell. It's an end to a rendezvouz, indeed. Then, break up. It might be happen in an unity. The young lady had to know about it before the others, even before the others face the fact.

Was going through the most hurt and confusing experience, how could the girl deal with her life and accept everything which is already written for her? There was a lot of doubt, till she met someone who made her feel confident, without any clear reasons.

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