Chapter 9 - One Night

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The lift stopped on the 9th floor. Archana pressed a button to keep the lift doors open. She came out not far from the lift and tried to contact Dev. Thank God, the phone was connected. Archana narrated briefly, then she went back into the lift while waiting for Dev. Not long after, Dev came with half-running steps.

"Archana, are you okay?" Dev asked while cupping Archana's face.

Archana nodded. "I am alright. We must immediately help Aman," she said.

Dev looked at Aman's state. He immediately called the hotel receptionist and asked them to prepare a large room on the second floor and call a doctor, while they rushed there. Archana prayed that the elevator they are in doesn't get stuck for the second time.

They arrived at the room that Dev rented for Aman and laid Aman on a sizable bed.

"Archana, you must still be in shock. You're just staying here, aren't you? I'll book one more room," said Dev.

Archana was dreaming, staring at Aman's pale face which seemed sleeping peacefully, as she kept thinking about what she has found. Too busy on him and she did not respond to Dev, until Dev caught her red-handed.


"Ya? Are you talking to me?" she responded as she looked at Dev.

"You think I'm talking to the person you saw his sleeping face since three minutes ago? You are in love with him?"

"Hmm? No. You don't talk recklessly, Dev. What were you talking about?"

"Changed the topic, Miss Archana Kapur?" said Dev with a mocking expression on his face. "You're just staying here, because-"

"What? Dev, I can't share a room with a stranger, especially if it's a man. I'm going home," Archana interrupted.

"I'm not done talking yet. Do you really want to share a room with him?" Dev held Archana's shoulders to make her come to her senses. Archana blinked, no thoughts.

"Archana, I will reserve one more room for you. You're still in shock. Stay in this hotel tonight. Please. I'm worried something will happen to you on the way. It's late," said Dev.

Archana grabbed her phone to see what time it was. Eight thirty at night. It took her an hour to get home, and she didn't feel strong enough, though she also felt she could carry herself home that very night. However, thinking about Dev's words, she finally agreed to the suggestion.

"You need me here or-"

"Go back to your party. Your guests must be waiting," said Archana. "I am alright. Sorry for making you leave your party."

Dev chuckled, "Okay. No problem. If there's anything, please contact me. Oh, remember, the doctor said Aman will wake up in minutes." Dev then said goodbye and left Archana in Aman's room.

Few minutes later, Archana received a message from Dev. "Your room is number 208, right in front of Aman's room. The key will be given to you soon. The next decision is yours, you want to stay there until he wakes up and see your beauty or go back to your room before he opens his eyes," and ended with two laughing icons. Archana shook her head after reading the message. Five minutes later, a hotel employee knocked on Aman's door to give Archana's room key.

Archana decided to wait for Aman to wake up so she could confirm that he was okay. She waited on a long sofa located in a room in front of Aman's room which was only limited by a wall while contacting her mother.

"Hello, Mum. I'm not coming home tonight."

"There was an incident. The lift I was in suddenly got stuck and the rest was a long story. But Mum, don't worry, I'm fine."

"Dev rented a room for me. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon."

"Alright. Bye, Mum, good night."

Seconds later after the phone was disconnected, Archana heard a little groan. She put her phone on the table and rushed to Aman's room. The man's eyes slowly opened. He blinked looking around and tried to get up. Archana was a bit worried, yet was calmer than before.

"Aman," she said as she helped him to sit.

"You? Where am I?" asked Aman in his hoarse voice.

Archana filled the glass under the nightstand with water until it left a few inches from the mouth of the glass. "Here, have a drink," she said, handing the glass to Aman.

Archana could see that Aman's hand was still weak, but he was trying to grip the glass properly and downed the water slowly. She put her hand not far from the bottom of the glass, in case he really let go of the glass all of sudden, because he was too weak. Aman finished the glass in a few gulps before giving it back to Archana.

Archana pulled a small chair at the side of the room for her to sit on the side of the bed. "Thank goodness you're awake. Feel better?" Aman nodded slowly.

His gaze was still circling the entire room that sheltered him with the woman who had hazel-coloured eyes. Archana looked at him with the softest gaze she had ever given to a stranger. On the one hand, she was worried about his condition after what had just happened to them. The deep fear of this man made him forgot that there was a need for him to protect women. On the other hand, there was a part of her that needed to confirm what she found in Aman's eyes when they were trapped in the lift.

"We are at the hotel, where Dev had his party. You fainted during the elevator incident earlier," she explained.

Aman listened to Archana carefully. After getting his answer, he turned to her. His face was still a bit pale. His brown eyes were covered with drooping eyelids. Unintentionally locked in Archana's hazel eyes.

"You? A-"

"Archana. I was with you in the lift."

"Oh... Are you okay?" Aman hissed. His voice was still shaking a little. Archana nodded and blinked her eyes gently.

"I'm sorry. I should be the one calming you down."

"No problem. In my opinion, it doesn't always have to be like that," Archana replied, along with her sweet smile. Her eyes were no longer locked on the pair of eyes in front of her, but were busy observing her hand which was now in his grip. "What's this?" she thought.

Archana didn't let such a situation last any longer. She could not contain the anxiety in her heart. So, she let go of her hand and asked Aman to continue his rest. She got up from her seat, was about to leave his room and rest in the opposite room that Dev has rented for her. She told Aman, if he needed anything, she would be in the opposite room.

"Archana," he called as she almost crossed the threshold of his room.

"Hmm?" she mumbled whilst turning to him.

"Thank you." Aman's words were welcomed by a genuine smile on Archana's lips.

While walking towards her room, Archana thought, "Did I just offer him another favor earlier? Really, Archana? Is that really what you see in his eyes?"

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