Chapter 15 - The Encounter

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At four o'clock in the afternoon, Archana's residence was filled with people dressed in white who paid their last respects to Parvati. Many of them are colleagues and employees in the company. Her relatives were also present. Archana in a white kurti and dupatta covering her head stood in the doorway welcoming the guests who came in, while Priya was never seen to move from the side her mother is lying on.

A familiar posture approached her. It was Arvind, her father. Archana didn't know what to do when Arvind stopped in front of her and touched her head as a blessing before he hugged his eldest daughter.

"You must be strong, sweetheart," whispered Arvind while rubbing Archana's back.

In years Archana didn't get a hug from her father. Her eyes felt hot from holding back tears, but the tears continued to overflow until they finally ran down her face that was buried in her father's chest. Her hands slowly wrapped tightly around Arvind's waist. Her eyes were tightly shut as she sobbed. Arvind kept stroking Archana's back and head, occasionally leaving some kisses on her daughter's hair, hoping it helped to calm her down. From the bottom of his heart, Arvind missed his two daughters. He didn't expect Archana would accept his embrace and show herself so fragile because of Parvati's death. Of course, Parvati was all she had since Arvind left.

Once she felt a bit relieved, Archana let go of her arms and took some distance from her father. She wiped her tears until they were no longer flowing. Then, she gazed at Arvind and smiled.

"You came alone?" she asked, craning her neck to watch the people going in and out of her house. Arvind nodded in response.

"Oh. Priya is inside, right beside Mum. Come in."

"Hmm, accha. Are you alone here? Is it okay?" Archana nodded.

Arvind stepped through the doorway. After a few steps, Archana's shout stopped him. "Thanks for coming, – Dad," she said with a tremble smile that didn't leave her lips. Arvind took a deep breath and smiled back at Archana. He nodded, then continued his steps to see Priya.

Archana again welcoming guests who came there. Every now and then she looked at her watch. It's a quarter past five. A second later, the phone in her pocket vibrated. There was a new message. Archana immediately checks her phone. A message from Radha.

"Archana, my condolences to you and your family for Aunt Parvati's passing. I'm so sorry for not being able to come to your house and attend her last rite."

After reading the message, Archana was seen dancing her thumbs on the screen of her phone, sending a reply to Radha. Then, she decided to go inside her house, just to see the atmosphere in the living room and look at her mother from a few meters away. Suddenly, someone touched her shoulder and softly called her name. His voice was familiar. Archana knew who it is.

"Aman," she said as she turned and threw herself into Aman's arms. For some reason, his masculine perfume made her feel protected. Aman returned the hug awkwardly. He felt his clothes slightly wet. She cried again, though not like before. But this time, in the arms of someone she just met. His right hand moved up to her head and stroked it gently. A simple moment he had been waiting for since yesterday. Somehow he felt that way. A few moments later, she came to her senses. She immediately stopped her crying and pulled herself slightly away from Aman.

"Sorry," Archana said while rubbing her face.

Aman locked his gaze on Archana while smiling bitterly. His hands cupped her cheeks and he smiled, hoping that the curve of his lips would look better. He kept looking at Archana and diving into her eyes.

"Feel better?" he asked.

She nodded, pursed her lips and smiled back to him. Her hands touched his which were still pressed against her cheeks, pulled them down from her face and gripped one of them as she stepped closer to her mother who was lying stiff in the living room. They were waiting for the people to move away from Parvati's side so that they could come closer. Aman saw Priya hugging Arvind, few steps beside Parvati.

"This is my father and my sister, Priya," Archana said introducing her family to Aman. "Dad, Priya, this is Aman, my friend. He is the doctor who yesterday tried to save Mum," she continued.

Aman held Priya's shoulder. The girl just gave a smile. Aman bent down and touched Arvind's feet before unite his palms in front of his chest. Arvind touched Aman's shoulder and asked him to stand up.

"Thank you for trying to save Parvati," said Arvind which was enough to make Aman even more depressed.

Aman lowered his head slightly, "I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm also sorry for not being able to get her back to you guys. I'm very sorry." His eyes occasionally glanced at Arvind, Priya, and Archana in turn. Arvind hugged Aman and gently patted his back while telling Aman that there was nothing to be sorry for. Archana and Priya just watched them.

A moment later, Aman released his embrace and asked permission to pay respects to Parvati. Arvind nodded and hugged Priya again. Archana held Aman's arm and led him closer to Parvati.

"Mum. It's Aman. You know that, right? He was the one who tried to save you. I can probably feel how scared he was when carrying out these procedures on your body," Archana said, giggling slightly and turned to Aman who smiled faintly after hearing those words. "Now he's here as well, to see you again," she added.

Aman clasped his hands in front of his chest and saluted Parvati. He took one step around Parvati before stopping at Archana's side. "Sorry, I couldn't save you, Ma'am. Sorry that I couldn't take you home to your two daughters. Sorry that I took you away from your family. Rest in peace," said Aman.

His voice trembled, slightly caught in his throat which made him feel like he was being strangled. Tears welled up in his eyes because he was remembering his past again. It really hurts. The guilt enveloped him again. One tear rolled down his cheek and he quickly wiped it away. But, unfortunately, Archana saw that. She circled her arm around his again and rubbed it gently.

"Done?" she asked, smiling slightly. He nodded. They turned and stepped away from Parvati.

In his silence, Aman wondered. "How can you be this steadfast, Archana? Left by your mother and invited me, the one who killed her, to come here, smiled and comforted me again with your touch. Are you human or you are not?"

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