Chapter 4 - Happy Birthday, Mum!

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Archana in her red-floral white dress which loose to her knees and a knitted red jacket seemed sat on the long couch in the living room. Her hair hung loose on her shoulder. Seconds later, an opened door was heard. Archana turned to the source of the sound and saw her mother came out of the room with the same jacket and the buttons were completely settled with long white jeans. Parvati's hair was in a bun. Archana stood up and walked closer to Parvati.

"So cool, Mum!" she spoke excitedly whilst staring at Parvati's style.

"I know. Thanks," Parvati replied, touching Archana's arm.

"But, you look so natty hahaha. We are just gonna have dinner in the terrace," Archana said, chuckled.

"Archana, it should be me who throw a protest to your style. Even though we are just going to have dinner upstairs, but still, why are you wearing this dress? This is Shimla, Archana," Parvati said in a slightly patronizing tone.

"At least, I have this," Archana responded whilst wriggling her shoulders to the right and left, showing her knitted jacket. "This will keep me warm, Mum," she added. Parvati smiled.

Two minutes later, Priya came out and was ready to join them. She wore a long black jeans, black plain t-shirt and the similar jacket. Those red jackets they were wearing were hand knitted by Parvati herself. She made it a few years ago. One for her, one for Archana, and one for Priya. Archana and Priya set the red jacket as the dress code for their mother's birthday celebration this year.

"Look, this one princess has finally come out of her nest after getting ready for hours," Archana mocked Priya when she saw her. "Tho with the black and red clothes. So dark, Your Highness," she continued.

Walked towards her sister and her mother, Priya sighed. "Very fussy," she responded. Her pout face made Archana and Parvati giggled.

"Accha, let's go."

A big room in the second floor looked so beautiful with yellow gold lamps decoration which gave a warm impression. The other gold colours decorations were also embellishing the room. Few employees were there to welcome the women. One by one of them wished Parvati on her special day. After getting various wishes, they reached a table with a beautiful decoration as beautiful as the room. A chocolate cake and some foods had been served on the table. Parvati was not used to celebrate her own birthday this way. Yet, this time she was fully impressed, she couldn't even hold back her tears.

"Happy birthday, Mum," said the daughters at the same time whilst giving hugs to Parvati from both sides. Once in a while, they kissed her cheeks.

"Thank you so much, darling," Parvati responded with her faint voice.

Archana released her hug and turned back, gave sign to the employees to leave them. Priya did the same, but she was just silent. Parvati followed her daughters and thanked them all.

There were only the three of them in the room, in the terrace with a starry night view and the moonlight up there. They sat on their chairs and started to talk about light things. Archana decided not to tell Parvati about her father who called her few days ago. She didn't want to ruin the moment. For her, Parvati's birthday would always be special, and it will always be. "I'm here, because of her," she thought.

"Mum, we are sorry, we could only manage this little celebration for you," said Priya. "Actually, this was Didi's idea. Her idea to celebrate your day here," she added.

"Haan, Mum, because I thought, we have our own bungalow, so why should we go to the other place? Moreover, it's been a long time since the last time we came here, right?" Archana spoke up her alibi.

"No, you are just too lazy to go farther," Priya mocked, ended it with a little giggle. Archana gazed at her sharply. While Parvati grinned. Her daughters were always fighting for little things, but she knew, they loved each other.

"You, just kept mocking your sister. Then, what's your contribution on this plan?" Parvati detached.

"This one," Priya proudly replied whilst pinched her jacket up. "I suggested this dresscode, and fortunately, she agreed. She didn't deny at all, Mum," she continued.

"Oh, so my knitted jacket is the dresscode," Parvati mumbled and nodded.

"Alright, it's enough to talk about the plan. Mum, you don't have to know more about it. Now, make a wish and get ready to blow the candles," Archana said, lighting up the three little candles on the cake.

The atmosphere became quiet. The night breeze didn't stop blow gently. Parvati closed her eyes. Archana and Priya stared at her with their sparkling eyes, as if they told the world that they were so proud to have Parvati as the one who raised them. Occassionally, the daughters exchanged the glances which were always welcomed by their smiles or giggles. Seconds later, Parvati opened her eyes and blew the candles. The daughters clapped and cheered.

"Happy birthday, Mum!"

They enjoyed their dinner whilst kept talking about anything. Seeing the pure happiness in Parvati's eyes, Archana didn't really want to say anything about her father. Moreover, when she caught good things on the next days, which she found in Parvati and Priya's eyes. As the eldest, she has to take care of her mother and her sister from bad things. What happened in the past, was left as a bad memory in the past.

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