Chapter 24 - San Fransisco

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Two years has passed. Archana seemed to be getting busier, because not only she takes care of the foundation, but she also helps Priya in company matters. Communication with his father was much better. She even had time to invite Arvind and his new family to vacation in India and stay at their house. Sometimes in their spare time, Archana and Priya come to visit Arvind's residence in San Francisco.

The first time she came there, she felt really awkward. Arvind and Lata, his second wife after Parvati, live in a fairly spacious house. They have two children. The eldest is a girl and the youngest is a boy. Their ages don't have a long gap with Priya's. Both have matured to accept reality and adapt. It was then that Archana and Priya finally found out the reason behind Arvind leaving Parvati. Not because of an affair, but there was a painful story behind it. Archana and Priya have been able to accept their father's new family, and vice versa.

Archana has been in San Francisco since two days ago to attend a workshop on social, culture, and education. Actually, the interest to attend the workshop was only one week. However, Archana added an extra three days, as she wanted to enjoy the city a little longer. During the activity, Archana did not stay at Arvind's house, but rented her own apartment. She thought, so much the better, because she also wanted to enjoy some time to herself for a while. After every activity, Archana always went to a coffee shop, buying her favorite variant of coffee and pastries. After that, she liked to take her to the city park or river bank.

Drrrttt! Drrrrttt!

Her phone vibrated as she just sat on the grass in the city park. She immediately took out her phone from her coat pocket and saw Priya's name on it.

"Ya, Priya?"

"I'm good. How are you? Everything is fine, na?"

"Thank God. I'm at the city park, just finished activities. Sorry if it's a little noisy and you hear the wind whoosh."

"Not yet. I haven't visited Dad yet. Maybe after my workshop activities are finished. Or ya... I'll think about it later. I still have plenty of time, I wish."

"Hmm, okay. Bye."

After ending the conversation with her sister, Archana opened her coffee and took a sip. She also enjoyed her spicy tuna fish pastry while looking around the park. Quite busy that afternoon. Lots of kids running around, teenagers hanging out with their friends, and people maybe just passing by.

Moments later, Archana felt someone holding her shoulder and calling her name. She turned around to see who it was. A man who was not very tall, fair skin, has small eyes and a charming smile.

"Rohit?" she shouted a little when she found Rohit, her friend since they were kids, in front of her holding a girl who was about four years old.

"Wow, you still remember me. Amazing!" Rohit said. "Are you alone? Can I sit here?" he continued.

Archana nodded. "Of course. This is a public place, right?" she said, then chuckled softly.

Rohit occupied the space next to Archana and held his daughter, who is a bit close to him, on his lap. Rohit introduced the girl, Chandrithra—who turns out to be his daughter, to Archana. Archana's eyes seemed to give off a bright glint while trying to get to know Chandrithra. She was surprised that Rohit has become a father with a beautiful daughter. Rohit let his daughter ran around the park, as long as she stayed in his sight.

"Just the two of you here?" asked Archana.

Rohit nodded. "Her mother isn't home yet. I don't know, maybe there's overtime work. How long have you been here?"

"Just fifteen minutes ago," replied Archana.

"Hey, stupid. I mean, how long have you been in San Francisco?" Rohit taunted while gently patting Archana's arm.

Archana snorted softly. "Oh, haha. That's why you supposed to ask clearly. Damn, you. I've been here for two days. I have a workshop to attend, I want to visit my father at the same time."

Rohit nodded in understanding. "Oh ya, Archana. I'm sorry I haven't seen you since Aunty left. But I hope you and Priya are much better now."

Archana smiled. "It's okay. It was years ago. And ya, as you can see, I'm fine. So is Priya."

They talked about a lot of things, as it was the first time they had seen each other again in so many years. Despite nearly two decades, the familiarity still exists between them. Rohit was not just Archana's little friend. He already considers Archana as his own sister. Minutes passed in their conversation. Archana got up and said goodbye to Rohit.

"Chandrithra, Aunty wants to go home," Rohit called out. The little girl ran to them.

"Really, Aunty? You just talked to him, you haven't played with me," said the little girl.

Archana lifted her into her arms. "Ya, I'm sorry. Next, when I have time, I'll come here and play with you. Okay?" Chandrithra nodded and kissed Archana's cheek before bidding farewell.

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