early mornings | angel & david |

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A small smile graces their lips as David wraps his arm around their waist, pulling them onto his chest. They plant a gentle kiss upon his bare skin, leaning back into his warmth, grinning when he mumbles and yawns into the pillow.

"I didn't think you'd be up so early." His voice is raspy as he plants a kiss on their forehead.

Angel giggles. "Me neither but after last night, I didn't think I could be."

A moment of comfortable silence passes and they idly trace patterns on the skin of his shoulder, humming contently as he plays with the loose strands of their hair.

The golden rays of sun filtered through the curtains, making their skin appear sun-kissed and highlighting all the freckles David's cheeks and arms had to offer, leaving Angel in awe of the sight.

He is so beautiful, calm and peaceful in simple moments like this. Lips slightly parted and eyes barely open, honed in and focused on them and their movements.

"You're so beautiful." They whispered, earning a not-so stubble snort from their mate. "I mean it, silly." Angel sits up and their hands find his cheeks, caressing his skin so lightly that the touch makes his heart speed up. They move a little closer, so close that he can feel their breath against his flesh.

"I love your freckles, Davey. They look so pretty in the sunlight, they look wonderful in general but-

David cuts them off as he cups their cheeks and presses a soft kiss to their lips, moaning happily against them. Angel gently curls their hand onto his neck, tracing their fingertips down to his shoulder and arms, eliciting a whimper from their partner.

"You don't play fair." He pouts, groaning as they grin at his current, needy state. "But I guess that's why I love you, my dear troublemaker."

Angel rakes their fingers through his hair, planting a kiss on his cheek. "That's why I win and I love you too, my sweet wolf."


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