love the way you lie | asher & babe |

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( angst request from @Elliott_MyBel0ved ~ request #1 )


This was supposed to be angsty but it turned out to be more of a hurt/comfort thing

But anyway, enjoy <33


They've never been in a serious relationship before, especially not one like this. Sure, they've been with other people before Asher but none had made them feel as special as he did. It's the little things he does that make Babe's heart beat faster. He'll plant feather-like kisses all over their face, leaving them flustered and giddy. He threads his fingers through theirs whenever he senses they're nervous or to see Babe's beautiful smile whenever they laugh (because they have the habit of covering their mouth with their hands)

Everything felt perfect at first. Almost too good to be true.

The cracks began showing quicker than Babe would have liked. He started turning up at their apartment later than usual, uttering the excuse of 'work meeting overrun' and 'family emergency' one too many times for Babe to ever be convinced they were true. They aren't stupid. Neither of those explains the smell of dirt and woodland emitting from his body on more than one occasion. They were one too many cracks in the mirror for them to be ignored - but alas, Babe let themselves go.

They just wanted to be happy and their happiness was Asher. The sweet ray of sunshine that picks them up from work after the sun has long since set, giving way to a blanket of bright stars illuminating the dark sky.

"Thank you." They'd grin, widely from ear to ear as Asher kisses their cheek, opening his car door and motioning for them to get in.

And of course, if you keep things bottled up for too long, it all comes crashing down at some point, doesn't it? That's why they're slumped on their couch, with a movie they remember Asher mentioning he liked, playing in the background. He's late. Again. Nothing new, nothing unexpected, except Babe felt the strings of their patience vastly snapping.

No call to let them know he'd be late. No message to tell them not to wait up for him. Nothing. Did they mean anything to him? Did this mean anything to him? Or where they are just a fleeting moment of entertainment for him? Babe didn't know or particularly care.

A couple of minutes passed and the doorbell rang - Asher, no doubt.

Babe took their time rising from their slumped position on the couch, sluggishly strolling toward the front door, unlocking it and leaning against the door frame.

He looks apologetic, at least.

"I'm an asshole." He starts, knowing they're annoyed without them having to say it. "I'm sorry I'm so late, the company meeting overran and then my phone died and then David needed me to-

"Stop." Babe breathed deep, hoping the breath would take their soul with it. "You're hiding something from me. I know you are, so don't bother denying it. I'm not stupid."


"I work at an office, I know meetings can overturn sometimes but you've been late to every single date we've arranged this week and last. You keep apologising but there's no point telling me how sorry you are and not telling me why you're always late." Babe takes a moment, reading his facial expression before continuing. "Why do you keep lying to me? Whatever the truth is, I can handle it."

He wanted to tell them. He wanted to tell them so badly - but he hadn't gotten the go-ahead from the department. Telling them now would complicate things. They're human. Would they understand? Would they look at him the same?

"It''s not that I don't trust you, Babe, I swear! I just can't tell you, right now."

Babe couldn't hold back the scoff that rose from their throat. Was he being serious? Didn't he owe them some form of explanation? Didn't they deserve that?

"Are you kidding me?"

"Babe, I-

"Why not? Why can't you tell me, don't you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you, I just need some more time." Asher pleaded, hands aching to reach out and hold theirs. "I promise you this isn't anything to do with me not trusting you."

"Then what is it? What else am I supposed to think?"

"Believe me, I hate having to keep this from you, I want to tell you, I do but...I-I can't." Asher stepped backwards as if he expected them to slam the door in his face there and then. They didn't, thankfully. "You mean so much to me and I hate that I've been so distant lately."

Babe stepped to the side, motioning for him to come in and grumbling at his confused expression. "I doubt my neighbours want to hear any of this."

Asher headed into the living room, sitting on the couch, his attention quickly turned to the movie playing in the background. It was his favourite one. They remembered? "How did you know this is my favourite one?"

Babe sat beside him, leaving a respectable amount of space between them, fighting the urge to wrap him in their arms like they usually do. "You talk. I listen." They said, simply. "For what it's worth, the movie isn't half bad."

"But - I still need an explanation," Babe says, sitting up. "No more lies, Asher, please."

He hesitates, looking up at them as if asking permission before taking their hands in his, caressing their knuckles with his thumbs. "If...if I tell you, would you believe me?"

"Why wouldn't I believe you?"

"I-I haven't given you much reason to."

"It can't be that bad," Babe mumbled. "I mean, you're not a serial killer, are you? You don't do anything illegal, or do you? I do trust you but trust goes both ways and I want things to work out between us but I need you to meet me in the middle and-

"I'm a werewolf," Asher said, unable to stop himself before the words come out.

Babe immediately shuts up, eyes wide and silent before breaking out into nervous laughter, when they notice Asher hasn't said anything, they return to their quiet state. "Werewolf? What?"

"I'm a werewolf."


"Please say something."

"Uh...I, what?"

"I didn't know how to tell you because you're human and more than likely wouldn't believe me, plus the department hasn't given me the green light just yet and David would kill me if I didn't inform you properly and besides-


"It's...a long story." Asher grinned as Babe laughed, leaning forward and resting their head on his shoulder. "If you don't believe me, I can show you - but I should warn you, I'm not small."

Babe shook their head against him. "One thing at a time, please."

"So...are you part of a pack then or?"

"Yeah, David's my alpha and the pack meetings have overrun a bunch this week, that and losing track of time while practising phase shifting. But for what it's worth, I am sorry. There's no excuse for the way I've treated you, you're amazing and so damn smart. From now on, I'll do my best to be open and honest with you, Babe."

Babe looks up at him with a small smile. "Promise?"

Asher grins wolfishly, taking their pinky finger in his. "Promise."

They loved the way he lied.

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