smut alphabet - milo & sweetheart

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milo x sweetheart

(sweetheart is still gender-neutral in this, as in I don't mention specific body parts)

aftercare (what they're like after sex)
milo & sweetheart always cuddle after sex and massage one another. will most likely lay in bed and fall asleep, wrapped in each other's arms. They both check in with one another, holding hands and just about getting their breaths back.

body part (favourite body part of theirs and their partner's)
sweetheart loves milo's neck, they love leaving marks on it. they love their hips and thighs. milo likes his shoulders and how broad they are, he also likes sweethearts ass. Then again, the strength and size of his arms are something Milo's always loved.

cum (anything to do with cum)
both don't mind swallowing cum every once in a while. the sight of his cum filling their throat often causes an effect on the shifter, turning him on to no end. I doubt either would cum on each other, it's too messy and they prefer it being inside of one another.
both will make sure the other finishes, neither wanting to leave the other unsatisfied.

dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
hmmm, milo won't ever admit it, but he thought about sweetheart a few times (in a sexual way) before they got together. sweetheart probably did the same. as for sweetheart, they love it whenever Milo growls it just turns them on for some reason.

experience (how experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
sweetheart had more sexual partners than milo before they got together but milo is a pro at what he does (sweetheart would agree) he knows their body very well, he knows how to make them moan and beg him for more

favourite position (this goes without saying)
for milo, it's either doggy style or pinning sweetheart against a wall with their legs wrapped around his waist. for sweetheart, they love reverse cowgirl, being in control and going at a pace they know will make milo whine and moan.

goofy (are they more serious in the moment? or are they humorous?)
sweetheart and milo can be both intense/serious and light-hearted and jokey. depends on the situation, what they're doing and where they are. during intimate, soft sex, milo tends to be more serious as he's focused on them and only them.

hair (how well-groomed are they?)
milo is pretty well-groomed, he likes keeping himself clean and tidy, same for sweetheart

intimacy (how are they during the moment? romantic aspect...)
milo loves having sex with sweetheart, he wants nothing more than to give them the joy and pleasure they give him. his gaze can be intense and sensual. both milo and sweetheart are hopeless romantics >>
milo looks at them so intensely as he thrusts, slowly at first and then gradually picking up his pace, making sure their eyes are on him

jack-off (masturbation headcanon)
hmmm, milo doesn't often touch himself, he prefers being inside sweetheart. but whenever they're on a work trip, touching himself isn't an unfamiliar occurrence, especially whilst he's on the phone when them. he'll sometimes do it in the shower but other than that, not really

kinks (one or more of their kinks)
sweetheart has a daddy kink and loves being spanked. milo loves dirty talk and the thrill of potentially getting caught, the adrenaline turns him on. they both like using blindfolds. milo mostly takes control but sweetheart enjoys having milo writhe and moan under them

location (favourite places to do it)
hmmm, both love the bed as it's comfortable but they both equally like the couch and sometimes the car.

motivation (what turns them on and gets them going?)
long, lingering stares and teasing (mainly from sweetheart) cuddling on the couch and sweetheart wiggling their hips to get comfortable or whenever they're having a training session (I headcanon that they both go boxing sometimes at a gym out of town) and they're both out of breath and unable to take their eyes off of one another

no (something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
neither would have sex with anyone else, they're both far too possessive for that. I doubt either would be into public sex anything to do with feet turns milo off, he doesn't like feet in general. sweetheart hates spit, it just kills their libido (pretty much the same for milo)

oral (preference in giving or receiving)
milo prefers receiving but he loves giving just as much. sweetheart enjoys making milo nervous by licking their lips and getting on their knees and the feeling of his hands gripping their hair and muscles tensing turns them on even more that being said, milo will happily bury his face between their thighs and use his mouth in them. he'll moan against their warm heat as they tell him how good he is

pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
oooh, this depends. milo loves taking his time and making them beg, leaving them a babbling, flushed mess. sweetheart gets him back though when they're on top, they move agonisingly slow and it drives milo crazy milo's thrusts are usually something between long and slow, strong enough to make sweetheart's eyes roll back and grip his hips or shoulders for dear life

quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex? how often etc...?)
milo and sweetheart don't mind quickies but prefer taking their time and making it last longer

risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks?)
hmm, both are down to step out of their comfort zones and keen to explore, sweetheart more than milo though. needless to say, trying out new things is how they both came to enjoy being blindfolded and occasionally tied up

stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
sweetheart and milo can last at least 3-4 rounds which can go on for hours until neither can talk

toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
ehhh, not really. nothing against toys but neither are into them

unfair (how much they like to tease?)
sweetheart is the biggest tease ever. they'll cloak and bring milo to the edge over and over again, kiss and mark his neck and giggle as he whimpers and calls them a brat, telling them how he'll get them back
milo can equally be a tease, though. under tables, whispering filth in their ears as his hands travel up and down sweetheart's body

volume (how loud are they? what sounds do they make?)
believe it or not, milo is louder. he starts by biting his lip and breathing shakily but once he's close, the moaning gets louder sometimes to the point sweetheart covers his mouth with their hand (continually of course)sweetheart groans with every thrust and releases a guttural cry when they cum

wildcard (a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
sweetheart likes watching milo touch himself, it gets them going in the best way possible. sometimes they both watch porn and have sweet, passionate sex right after

x-ray (what's going on in those pants, picture or words?)
hehe milo is not small, we'll put it that way...

yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
milo's sex drive is rather high, especially with sweetheart and all their teasing. how can he not be?

zzz ( quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
both can stay up for an hour or so but they'll both eventually fall asleep in each other's arms

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