starlight x avior x elliott x sunshine ~ headcanons

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Avior x Starlight x Sunshine x Elliott polycule headcanons

They all hate that dream walking bastard, Blake

So, let's imagine Blake somehow tells Sunshine (while he's in their dreams) that he trapped a demon who tried to feed on him, in some sort of hellscape, a trap if you will

Sunshine feels horrified but is determined to find out more and help this demon who this bitch trapped 

Sunshine tells Brachium about the demon Blake trapped and senses the trap near the river (maybe beneath it, idk)

Elliott is hesitant but with Brachium's convincing, he and Sunshine enter the hellscape (Brachium is distracting Blake in the meantime)

Starlight gets tired of waiting up for Avior after he walked off and eventually falls asleep, having the same dream they did before, causing them to wake up and look for Avior

Avior, on the other hand, can't help but feel guilty - he knows what's happening to them but can't bring himself to tell them 

Elliott and Sunshine stick together and come across a frustrated Avior, whose mumbling to himself about the meridian

Avior is shocked to find 2 humans here and questions them as to how the hell they got in here

Sunshine asks him about Blake and tells him about close-knit and how they and Eliott, along with their death walker friend, found Blake's trap and want to help him escape it 

Avior says he can't leave without Starlight (who's listening in on the entire conversation)

Sunshine has a small crush on Avior (and his sarcasm) and they can tell Eli does as well but both suppress these feelings for the sake of helping him 

Starlight being starlight they end up bumping into Sunshine and is flabbergasted and happy because they're here to help them 

Sunshine finds Starlight cute and loves the way their eyes light up despite being trapped for so long 

Elliott feels himself falling for both Avior and Starlight so does Sunshine but once again, for the sake of their plan to work, the two keep their feelings to themselves

Avior has some awareness of the feelings Sunshine and Eli harbour for him and Starlight and slowly began to reciprocate them

Starlight is just oblivious and doesn't realise their feelings for Sunshine and Eli until they've all escaped and made Blake and his demon-hating cult pay

After that, Eli impulsively offers Avior and Starlight to stay with them since he and Sunshine have room in their apartment 

Avior is hesitant but agrees when Starlight does 

For a while, this foursome remains close friends all getting their lives back together. Starlight's attending classes at D.A.M.N, Avior has become a steward again and reconnected with Circinus and Eridanus

Eli has finished all his dream walker classes and Sunshine has opened up their cafe 

The tension grows and everyone can see the four are meant to be more than friends 

Surprisingly, it's Starlight that makes the first move, confessing their feelings and feeling bad for not noticing them sooner 

Sunshine, Avior and Eli follow suit and the rest is history 

Starlight is the little spoon no matter what (they're the smallest in my eyes and loves being held at night)

Sunshine feels a little out of place since they're the only ones without powers but Avior assures them that they don't need to have powers, they're extraordinary and loved

Eli and Starlight cannot cook to save their lives, so it's up to Avior to make healthy meals and Sunshine and Starlight enjoy baking 

All meet in their dreams (thanks to Eli) and it's pure chaos when Starlight and Sunshine reek havoc but Eli and Avior like seeing their partners happy 

Starlight and Eli are the biggest teases 

Avior gets flustered easily and Sunshine exploits the life out of this 

Eli is heavenly at massages, so when any of his partners have a long day or a busy one, he's more than happy to help them relax or make them their favourite meal 

Nightmare comfort? Avior's your guy. Whenever Starlight or Sunshine have nightmares about either the hellscape or Blake, Avior will stay up and provide whatever comfort or relief they need to get back to sleep 

Sunshine teaching Avior how to play Minecraft (they play with Babe and the mates)

Eli and Starlight making smoothies on a hot summers day 

Circinus 100% teases Avior about his patterns and is happy he has found people that care for him as much as he cares for them 

Redacted ASMR headcanons & one-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora