soul searching - david & sam

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"Sammy! Sammy! Look at me!"

"Don't worry...I'll make it all better..."

"Trust me..."

"Drink. When you wake up, you'll feel much better..."

Her voice echoed loudly around him, encompassing his surroundings as blood poured from his wounds.

"I promise..."

She leans in close, griping his chin with her nails, angling her torn wrist in front of his lips. "I'll make it all better."

His body aches as desperate pleas fall from his trembling lips, leaning as far back as his broken body would allow – Alexis only chuckled at his futile attempts, eyes bright and full of glee. He would never forget that. She enjoyed watching him cower away from her. It spurred her on.

Rain erupted from the sea of dark clouds above them, soaking his clothes as tears formed in the corners of his eyes. Alexis was none-the-wiser, snarling when Sam's eyes snapped shut, out of fear more than spite. "Don't want to look at me?"

"I can heal myself." He ground out, pushing himself further away, gritting his teeth as his side exploded in pain at the motion of the car door dragging along the ground. This was bad. "I can do it." He repeated, unsure if it was to convince himself or Alexis. Not that it mattered. He could barely think straight.

Alexis stays silent, violently lurching forward, plunging her nails deep into his shoulder, drawing blood as Sam fought back a scream. His eyes snap open, meeting hers as he pushes her arms away, ignoring the pain gnawing at his skin – he looks away but it's too late, her trance washes over him.

"There. That wasn't so hard, was it?" Alexis grins, voice sickeningly soft and sweet. "Now drink."

Her blood is hot and acidic as it slides down his throat, staining his chin with her wrist pressed so close against his lips.

Alexis murmurs something he can't quite hear before she leans closer, pressing light kisses to the base of his jaw, moving downward to his neck, settling on his pulse point with a delighted hum. She gives no warning as her fangs tear into his skin, leaving him dizzy and delirious. His vision blurs and darkens the longer she drinks, panting and breathing heavily.

He could no longer feel the rain against his skin as the world fades away.

The next thing Sam remembers is waking up to Alexis' roaring with anger, screaming – along with two other voices he didn't recognise. He's shaking before he can stop himself, seething with anger, burning with rage.

He touches his chest, horrified at how empty and hollow it felt, no longer thrumming with the overwhelming amount of power he wielded. He felt sick. He felt empty, dead. All he ever wanted to do was heal people, and if he couldn't do that, what was the point?

Anger soon gave way to sadness, and then mourning as a cold realisation struck him sharply;

His powers are gone and have taken his soul with them.


Sam opened his eyes to darkness, pleased to feel the warmth of the sheets under him. Blinking rapidly, heart pounding, he woke up a bit more as his eyes adjusted to what wasn't darkness, actually, just dimness. Faint light bled into the room through filmy curtains at the window, recognisable as the orangey glow of streetlights.

There are arms wrapped around him, his mate's arms. He feels safe. Sam slowly sat up, glancing over his shoulder at his sound-asleep mate, grinning as the hue of the streetlights illuminated his freckles. He didn't often have nightmares like this, so he slowly made his way out of David's grasp, walking into the kitchen with a heavy sigh.

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