sam x darlin x vincent x lovely ~ headcanons

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× I like to think that Vincent has always harboured some form of romantic feelings for Sam but has put them on the back burner for the sake of not wanting to ruin his friendship with him

× Vincent won't admit it - but it's the accent, that damn southern drawl makes his head spin in the best way

× Sam's scent drives him crazy too, whiskey, pine, smoke, and leather have never smelt better

× When Lovely comes into the picture, Vincent genuinely falls head over heels for them but part of him feels guilty as he still has feelings for his best friend 

× Vincent doesn't think Sam returns his feelings and so, he focuses on Lovely falls in love with them and is happy when Sam meets Darlin 

× Sam told Darlin about Vincent and can see how much he cares about his friend but Darlin can tell it's something that goes deeper than friendship…

× Lovely almost has a heart attack when they meet Darlin, they're in awe of the wolf and can't help but blush and stutter whenever they're near them 

× Darlin respects Lovely's power and finds them cute and slowly falls for them 
Lovely and Darlin bonding over the scars Quinn & Adam left on them both physically and mentally 

× Darlin and Vincent hit it off like a house on fire, their back-and-forth banter is hilarious and both bond over their love of cars (since Vincent owns so many and Darlin used to be a mechanic in my headcanons)

× Sam and Lovely are some of the few people in the clan that were empowered before turning and so understand how the loss of their powers can affect one another
These four go on double dates, initially (Lovely's idea)

× After his turning, Sam mainly stuck close to Vincent during clan meetings and such since he wasn't comfortable around anyone else besides William 

× Vincent taught Sam how to feed and control his speed and the two became best friends. Vincent was honoured to be one of the few people Sam trusted since he was turned, he knew how valuable it was and vowed to never take advantage of it 

× Vincent was the first to catch feelings. He didn't realise it at first and brushed off his protectiveness over Sam (especially when it comes to Alexis) as simply being a friendly thing

× At Monarchal summits they mostly stick together since neither is keen on big flash events 

× Sometimes they spar together (although Sam beat him every time, Vincent loves them) 

× Vincent plays video games to help Sam feel connected to his human life, reminding him he's still the same person as before, whenever he has a bad day or misses his powers 

× Vincent trusts Sam enough to tell him about the surge incident and how it impacted him. Vincent promised himself he wouldn't get upset over it and decided to brush it off with a laugh which Sam saw straight through and told him he didn't have to pretend with him. He would never judge him for expressing how he feels, given how much Vincent has helped him through his turning and recovering from it

× Sam and Vincent race in the woods and play fighting (and they've both and each other pinned to the ground) 

× Vincent has a playboy reputation but Sam doesn't let that affect how much he respects Vincent and how much he cares for him 

× When Vincent meets Lovely, Sam is genuinely happy for them both and can see how much they love one another, not wanting to get in the way of that, Sam ignores his feelings and pushes them down, focusing on looking after his progeny instead 

× The first time Sam met Lovely, they were bruised and broken, yet possessed a beautiful amount of power within them

× Lovely ended up coming around more after Sam had healed them (or rather because they found his library, courtesy of William) 

× Lovely began opening up about their trauma from Adam to Sam once they start seeing him more 

× Sam understands them and knows how it feels to feel powerless against a vampire. Sam and Lovely slowly become good friends!!

× Sam helping Lovely and Vincent study for their exams at D.A.M.N (since he used to attend) Late night study sessions!!! 

× Vincent and Lovely helping Sam come out of his shell because, under his gruff exterior, he's soft and sweet. Movie nights!!! 

× Sam calls them "little one" or "little lovely" 

× Lovely isn't entirely unaware of Vincent's feelings towards Sam. They aren't angry or hurt that he does, instead, they understand why he does. Who wouldn't? Soon enough they both harbour feelings for their friend 

× Darlin comes into the picture like a whirlwind and brings thrill and excitement back into Sam's life. He hadn't ever felt so alive with anyone before

× Vince and Lovely meet Darlin and understand why Sam talks about them so much. They're the epitome of raw power given human form

× Lovely and Darlin become best friends and Darlin falls head-over-heels for them

× Vincent & Darlin sparring in the woods with Sam and Lovely watching on in excitement 

× Midnight picnics? FUCK YEAH 

× The vampire trio wanting to spoil Darlin and fawning over them (and each other)

× Darlin and Lovely teaching Vincent and Sam how to ice skate

× After the inversion, Darlin always offered Lovely their blood, whenever they seemed hungry or were too nervous to ask (since the department has been slow to restock blood bags at the local blood bank) 

× Vamp! Lovely being loved and supported by their partners through their good and bad days but especially Sam who is familiar with the pain of losing his powers, no longer feeling his core but rather, his vampire one

× Just...these 4 dealing with their traumas together


× I'm in love with this polycule sm

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