angel, asher, babe & david

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Oh lord, this is one of the most wholesome yet chaotic relationships

David has his work cut out trying to teach Asher and Angel how to cook a decent meal rather than depending on an overworked Babe if he's not there

Angel and David were together for 5 months before Angel slowly developed feelings for Babe and soon after, Asher. They weren't sure how to go about telling David, feeling guilty for how they felt

Asher has always harboured feelings for David but never acted on them, not wanting to sabotage his friendship with him

Babe had a mini crush on David and Angel the first time they met them. Babe wasn't sure whether it was worth telling Asher about it and so, decided to keep their feelings under wraps

Angel and Babe began meeting more regularly, having lunch by the clock tower (Dahlia having a clock tower in the city centre is my canon)

Babe felt themselves falling for Angel and they felt the same

Babe went home that day and confessed to Asher how they felt about David and Angel and was relieved and surprised when he said he felt the same and wasn't mad at them for falling for other people

Angel also talked with David, explaining how they felt toward Babe and Asher them promptly apologising because they felt guilty about have feelings for other people

David held their shaking hands and told Angel that everything would be fine. He told them he liked Asher and Babe too...

The foursome had a long conversation and boom!! That's how they all got together...

David hates seeing Babe overwork themselves so after a long day at work, he makes time to pamper them!! Massages, warm baths, hot meals, cuddles on the couch, he'll make sure they're well looked after

David teaching Babe different receipts since he rather likes cooking with them, since cooking with Angel and Asher is a nightmare half the time

If Babe has a bad day at work, David will shift and let them cuddle with him

Babe giving David scalp massages in both his human and wolf form but especially when he's shifted since he'll whine and lean into their touch

Babe helping David with things to do with Shaw Security whenever he seems stressed or overworking himself

Babe quickly figured out that under his seemingly tough exterior, David's a softy deep down. Whenever they kiss his knuckles he turns into flustered stuttering, blushing mess. Babe loves it

David teaching Babe self-defence techniques, usually ends with them both on the floor, laughing their assess off

Angel and Asher have weekly lunches at a particular cafe in the heart of Dahlia, to talk about the most random of things

Angel biting their lip while lost in thought drives Asher crazy...

Asher shifting and chasing Angel around the house, they pet and cuddle him afterwards

Whenever Asher's had a bad day, Angel's already building a pillow fort, so they can snuggle and watch whatever comes to mind

Asher giving Angel piggyback rides!!

Asher and Angel making cookies for Babe and David and to everyone's surprise, they taste pretty good

Asher and Angel going on picnics and breakfast dates since strangely enough, both are morning people and love waking up early in the morning to feel warm golden rays against their skin. Picnics will always be food that does not have to be cooked, Babe and David always make sure of that

Asher and Angel staying up late on weekends playing video games and eating far too much cotton candy because yes, they are both cotton candy people. Asher prefers pink, Angel loves the blue

Asher being a little spoon while Angel is a big spoon. Angel's scent is sweet, almost honey-like and is very comforting to him

Angel flirting with Babe to fluster their life out of them, leave them stunned, wide-eyed and blushing

Angel and Babe take on the almighty task of washing David and Asher while they're shifted. Needless to say, it did not end as expected

Babe kissing Angel's cheeks, Angel kissing Babe's neck/jaw because they love the sound of them shuddering and whimpering

Babe and Angel have spa weekends

Babe teaching Angel how to paint since they love hanging Babe's paintings around the house

These two are the type to order pizza at 1 am on a Friday and stay up till the morning, much to the amusement of Asher and the annoyance of David who scolds them for not getting any sleep

David trying to teach Asher how to make a simple meal without breaking or burning anything

David and Asher together can be very competitive especially when it comes to videogames, much to Babe and Angel's amusement

David is incredibly proud of Asher, while he may not say it, he'll show it through a simple hug or handhold, David is grateful to have Asher in his life...although, he strongly doubts his bank account is...

This goes both ways!! Asher is proud of what a good alpha David has become and he knows Gabe would be even prouder

David and Asher playfight while shifted, David often lets Asher win

Asher teases David and has a mini heart attack when he teases him back

These four go on camping trips most weekends. David usually sets up the tents, Asher and Angel toss marshmallows and Babe is taking pictures of everyone for memories and enjoying the scenery (headcanon that Babe loves photography)

David and Asher shift and cuddle with Babe and Angel near the campfire

The trips usually end with them watching the sunset, driving back to Dahlia, all happy and content in the presence of one another

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