breakfast | vincent & lovely |

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A quiet yawn escapes their lips as their room slowly comes into view, having just opened their eyes moments ago. Their vision is still slightly blurred, as they turn onto the other side of the bed, only to find it empty.

The quiet noise of Vincent starting the coffee maker causes Lovely to squeeze their eyes shut at the sudden sound, groaning as they roll off the bed, strolling dazedly toward the kitchen.

Lovely stands in the doorway, leaning against the wall as they watch their vampire grab another plate from the cabinet, placing it onto the counter as two slices of toast jump in the toaster, quickly capturing Vincent's attention. He spreads butter over each of them, careful not to dent the crust, he knew Lovely would appreciate it either way.

"Morning to you too, Lovely. How did you sleep?" He greets, setting two mugs of coffee and hot chocolate down on the table, motioning them to sit at the table as he finishes up with the toast.

"Wonderfully. Better than I have in months." They replied, gently curling their hands around the cream-coloured mug, lifting it so it hovers near to their lips, blowing the hot liquid and slowly taking a sip, relishing the sweet taste.

"I'm glad, sorry if I woke you, I did try to be quiet, I promise." Vincent settles the plates on the table, moving back to the countertops to dust away any crust the slices of toast may have left behind.

Lovely giggles, "I know love, I believe you and thank you for this." They take a few more sips of their hot chocolate before having a bite of their toast.

"Anytime Lovely." He says and he means it. He hasn't had to be domestic in what feels like forever but with them, it feels far more normal than it ever did. His house no longer felt like a house, it feels like a home.

A home for both of them. For as long as time would allow.

Vincent takes a seat at the table, "I love you, so damn much, little one." He says, kissing the hinge of their jaw.

"I love you too, more than anything." They smile, caressing his knuckles and resting their head on his shoulder.


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