adam, lovely & quinn

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(Aka; 2 possessive vamps simping over 1 human)

Instead of encountering Vincent at Wonderworld, Lovely meets Adam

Adam takes interest in the little human and decides to walk them home seeing as Wonderworld isn't the safest place for them

Lovely finds themself drawn to his charismatic nature and feels butterflies in their stomach when he reaches for their hand and kisses it

The second time Lovely meets Adam is when he got into a fight with another vamp, going by the name Quinn

Lovely noticed he was bleeding and injured, so once Quinn's left, they help him to their house where they tend to his injuries

Adam isn't used to being looked after so once the majority of his bruises and wounds have been tended to, he thanks them and kisses their hand again

Lovely and Adam bid goodbye for the time being but aren't aware that they're being watched by a certain rouge vampire...

One night when Lovely is walking home at night, they bump into the vampire they saw fighting with Adam the night before...Quinn

Quinn almost instantly feels intoxicated by their scent, as well as their blood

Quinn introduced himself and attempts to smooth talk them but Lovely isn't having any of it. To his intrigue, Lovely tells him to leave Adam alone - he isn't used to little humans standing their ground against him, so once they're done, Quinn watches them walk away, transfixed

Lovely finds Adam on their balcony and notices how sharp his teeth are. They ask him about it and he chuckles, his little human is a curious one

Lovely tentatively places a hand on his cheek and strokes his skin, noticing how pale it is and how smooth it feels against their skin. They realise his eyes are a light shade of blue, practically crystal white - with specks of crimson

They ask about his eyes and Adam asks them if they're sure if they want to know

Lovely doesn't hesitate and nods their head. Adam tells them he's a vampire and they're quite nervous and sceptical about it at first but once he shows them his fangs they are a little more convinced

Adam stays the night at Lovely's place and they watch corny horror movies and order pizza

The following night, Adam leaves as he has a clan meeting to get to, he kisses their hand before he takes off, once again unaware of another vamp taking interest in his little human

Quinn watches Lovely drinking a mug of hot chocolate and takes in their beauty under the moonlight

Lovely finds Quinn at their doorstep, they notice he looks a little...beaten down, exhausted almost

Against their better judgement, Lovely lets him in

They notice his eyes are white with red specks like Adam's and they ask him if he's a vampire to their surprise, he doesn't deny it and even shows them his fangs, which look sharper than Adam's...

Quinn likes the way they tilt their head when they're curious, he finds it adorable, they're adorable but far too sweet for someone like him

Lovely offers him a slice of pie which he initially refuses at first but once the aroma tickles his nose, he decides to try a little. And soon a little turns into almost half the pie

He thanks them for their hospitality toward him but as he goes to leave, he realises they're fast asleep and feels a bit bad for having to leave

He places a soft kiss on their forehead and covers their form with a blanket and takes his leave

Quinn visits them the following night and has taken to calling them "kittens"

Adam arrives some hours later and immediately assumes Quinn is there to hurt them but when Lovely tells him this isn't the case, his predator instincts calm down...for the time being

The trio spend the night watching twilight and making fun of how it portrays vamps and wolves, especially with the sparkling in the sun thing, yeah, another bunch of Hollywood crap, something both Adam and Quinn could agree on, much to Lovely's relief

Besides the movie, these two spend the majority of the evening trying to get Lovely's attention off the other. Lovely end up playing with both their hair at the same time as these boys are touch starved and precious

Adam and Quinn don't take great greetings to one another but are more than willing to try and be friendly in the presence of their favourite little human

Months pass and the trio seems to be settled into...whatever the hell it is

in one of his weekly visits, Quinn talks about marking and what it would entail. He cares about Lovely and wants to keep them out of harm's way. Adam is more hesitant because he's never marked someone that's meant as much to him as little Lovely does, neither vamp can imagine their life without them

Adam still climbs onto their balcony at night like a tress passer and surprises them when they least expect it and gives them soft kisses on their neck and lips

Unlike Adam, Quinn is a little rougher with his affection, not to the point where it hurts them, it often leaves them clinging to him and breathless moments after

Adam is always careful when he feeds from them. The first time he drank Lovely's blood, they sat on his lap, arms holding onto his shoulders as he leaned in, gently kissing their skin and sinking his fangs into their flesh

Quinn can get a little carried away at times but is mindful not to take too much as he doesn't want to leave them too exhausted. Th first time he drank their blood, Lovely hands their legs wrapped around his waist, leaning into his touch, moaning and gasping as his fangs sunk into their skin

Both these vamps deeply care for their little humans and have placed wards around their houses to keep them safe

Adam can get a little jealous at times when people stare at his little lovely for longer than he'd like. He'll stare the person down and if they still don't take a hint, he'll wrap his arms around Lovely's waist and ensure their main focus is on him

Quinn on the other hand...

He'd gently pull you close to him and whisper all the things he wishes to do to you, whilst holding you tightly against him, earning a small blush on your face

Adam and Quinn both care for little Lovely very much

And Lovely cares for their two vampires as well.

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