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note -- the 'friend' darlin is referring to is the one that was attacked by Quinn


The trio find themselves weaving around each other in the kitchen, the scent of food wafting in the air, as Darlin sits atop the counter, watching David and Sam tend to the food with a lopsided grin on their face.

David returns his attention to his wolf after thoroughly slicing carrots and celery sticks on the chopping board. "You think all you're gonna do is sit up there and look pretty?"

Darlin feels the corners of their lips tug higher. "You think I'm pretty?"

"Not the point," David muttered, playfully rolling his eyes as he watched Sam get a handful of onions, cloves of garlic, and leaves of rosemary from the fridge.

Laying out the ingredients on the chopping board, he grabs another knife from the cutlery drawer and hands it to his wolf. "Fancy putting those chopping skills of yours to the test?"

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say that sounded like a challenge, cowboy," Darlin says, voice smug as his arms wrapped securely around them, warm breath tickling the back of their neck.

"To you, I'm sure it does, Darlin." His fingers hold theirs, guiding them as they chop all the ingredients in front of them until everything's cut evenly.

"There, that wasn't too difficult for you, was it?"

"Nope. I think I could get used to this."

David takes the chopping board, using the knife-edge to pour the cut veg into the pan. "The lack of food in that fridge of yours says otherwise, trouble."

"Everyone's gotta start somewhere, right?"

"Food would help but I see your point." David stirs the veg after adding oil to the pan and allowing it to heat. "How'd you fancy cooking tomorrow's dinner?"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves." Darlin laughed, hearty, feeling truly happy with the two people they love the most. "I'll gladly help though."

A laugh escapes David as turns his attention to the pot on the stove, stirring it once more, leaning forward and sniffing at the steam. Sam mixes the vegetables in the pan, steam filling the kitchen and tickling Darlin's faintly scarred nose.

It takes another half hour to get food plated up and drinks served, but soon enough they're all sitting on the couch (which David had cleaned of blood a couple of hours earlier) with a movie Darlin had chosen playing in the background. The wolves sat on either side of Sam, plates on their laps, eating the last of the food before leaving the dishes on the nearby coffee table.

"Darlin, I'm sure we've seen this film tons of times already," Sam commented, hand intertwined with Darlin's.

"And I'll watch it tons of times more."

They grinned as David hummed, resting his head on the base of Sam's. "Besides, it's a good movie, don't you think?"

"Ain't too bad."

"My friend and I used to watch it all the time before-

Darlin cut themselves off, ignoring the pang in their chest as memories flooded their mind as if a fucking damn had broke within them.

Not now. Please, not now.

"Well, I don't need to finish that sentence, do I?" Darlin tensed, sitting upright on the couch and David lowered the volume of the TV, focusing wholeheartedly on them. They weren't used to that, something David plans on changing.

"Have you spoken to them, your friend, I mean?" David asked and Darlin shook their head.

"They want nothing to do with me, rightly so. I'm the one that brought Quinn into their life. I'm the one that fucked things up, not them." Darlin replied, voice low.

"Bullshit," Sam said. "Quinn fucked things up, not you. You did the right thing by reporting him, Darlin. You know that otherwise, you wouldn't have done it. He's gone. He can't hurt you anymore."

Darlin felt the tightness in their chest subside.

"You deserve peace, trouble. Now that the leech is gone, you're gonna get it, I can promise you that."

"I hope so," Darlin whispered, almost inaudibly. "I'm just...tired. Tired of it all. I don't know how else to describe it."

"That's okay. You don't have to know what you're feeling for it to be valid. Your feelings matter, trouble. You're important and you matter - to me, Sam and the pack. Always."

"You mean that?" Darlin sheepishly asked, not used to kind words.

"I mean it," David reassures as Sam nods in agreement.

The trio keep one another close as the night continues on and soon enough, the film's end credits are playing on the tv screen whilst David and Sam fall fast asleep, exhausted from the recent events no doubt.

Darlin smiled at how peaceful they both looked, hearts, booming out of their chest.

They gather the plates on the coffee table, take them into the kitchen and wash them up in the sink, drying the sides with a cloth after.

It feels nice knowing they aren't alone anymore. That they never were and never will be.

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