smut alphabet - sam & darlin

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aftercare (what they're like after sex)
Sam is a total gentleman after sex. He loves kissing their body and massaging their skin, gently pulling Darlin against him, whispering words of love into their ears. All he wants to do is wrap them in his arms and kiss their forehead till Darlin falls asleep, then he'll more than likely caress their cheek for a few moments before drifting off to sleep as well. He's just so soft for them.Darlin will lay on his chest, drawing lazy patterns on his lskin, shyly smiling whenever he plants a delicate kiss on their skin. They'll lean into Sam's touch whilst he plays with their hair and these two will stay up, talking about the most random of things before eventually falling asleep. Darlin usually succumbs to sleep first but on the odd occasion, Sam falls asleep before they do, the shifter will tell him how grateful they are to have him. Darlin isn't the best at expressing how they feel, so when Sam's sound asleep, they feel more inclined to tell him how they feel.

body part (favourite body part of theirs and their partner)
While Sam doesn't entirely like being a vampire, he does enjoy the strength it gives him because he's able to lift and manoeuvre his Darlin wherever he wants them, with little to no effort. His arms give him plenty of opportunities to trap Darlin against a wall, leaving them with nowhere to run. He loves pinning their arms above their head and watching them writhe against him. Sam considers this one of the few benefits of vampirism. Sam strikes me as an ass kind of man, meaning during heated and passionate moments between himself and Darlin, you best believe his hands will wander below Darlin's waist, earning a gasp or grin from his shifter. Darlin loves their mouth and all the things they're able to do with it. If they play their cards right, they're able to leave Sam a blabbering, speechless mess, who's breathless beneath them. They love teasing him with their mouth, bringing him closer and closer every time. The shifter also likes Sam's hands and how good he's able to use them, leaving Darlin shuddering and gripping their headboard for dear life.

cum (anything to do with cum)
Hmm, I think Sam would prefer to cum inside of Darlin, one because it always feels beyond amazing and two, it isn't as messy as cumming all over them (not that the shifter would mind) He likes watching their face twist into the most beautiful expressions when they do cum and cling to his shoulders for dear life, more than likely leaving a mark.
Darlin does enjoy watching Sam clean them up after he's finished using his mouth on them. When the roles are reversed, Darlin loves swallowing every last drop of cum Sam has to offer.

dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
Both Darlin & Sam are switches. Sex often begins with these two battling for dominance, refusing to let the other win. As much as Sam loves being in control and having Darlin teary-eyed beneath him, having them bouncing on his dick, pinning his arms above his head is a pleasure even he isn't strong enough to resist. Don't even get me started on Darlin half shifting.

experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
As Sam said in his video, he is certainly a man of many talents. He knows Darlin's body like the back of his hand, he knows what gets them going and how to make them moan and beg for his touch. Most of Sam's experience comes from when he was human and now that he's a vampire, his skills are only enhanced, much to Darlin's delight. Like, he could bite them whilst working his hands on them or ravage their neck whilst buried deep inside of them.
Darlin has a little less experience than Sam but that doesn't mean to say they don't have a clue what they're doing. This wolf knows what they're mate likes, they'll kiss his neck and half shift, pinning him down onto the bed or wherever they are.

favourite position (this goes without saying)
These two love it when Sam hauls them up, gripping their thighs as Darlin wraps their legs around his waist. Often happens in the shower, or against a wall but mostly in the shower. Darlin does love riding Sam though, they love the feeling his nails digging into their hips and rocking them faster.
goofy (are they more serious in moment or playful?)
Sam used to be pretty serious with his other partners, respectful of course but with Darlin, he laughs a lot more and is turning into a softie (though he won't admit it) Darlin tends to be more of a tease, giggling as their mate pleads with them not to stop their movements.

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