the morning after | darlin & sam |

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Darlin grins as their eyes slowly open, welcoming Sam's bedroom into their view and the scent of eggs and waffles tickles their nose against the soft sheets and fluffy pillows. They inhale, taking in the aroma of their mate and snorting (promptly after) when their eyes flicker to their clothes neatly folded on the nearby dresser - no doubt put there by Sam seeing as they remember hectically shedding them off, throwing them to the floor, and redirecting their attention to their mate as their night of fun continued.

With the bedroom door left slightly ajar - and thanks to their wolf hearing - Darlin could hear Sam's gentle humming from the kitchen as he moved around, that and the sizzling of eggs in one of his grey frying pans. Their heart swells and their grin only widens as they snuggle further into the sheets.

It's been a while since they felt like this.




Genuinely loved - it excites and scares them, in a good way, only Sam could make them feel.

Enduring so much pain in such a short life made them wonder if they'd ever find a place to call home - until they met Sam Collins and realized - home isn't a place, it's a person - not any person - their mate.

His soft touches and warm words spilt like honey from his lips against their bare skin. Caressing old wounds, massaging new ones - holding them gently and kissing them softly until they were teary-eyed. It was then Darlin knew the pain they had been through was worth it.

For him, it's always worth it.

Darlin yawned and climbed out of bed, greeted with their bare body and an idea - eyeing Sam's clothes draw. They pick out one of his blue shirts, his scent wraps around them like a glove, fitting perfectly as they walk toward the kitchen, leaning against the door railing.

A mischievous smirk tugs at the corners of their lips when Sam sets the plates on the table, along with his usual cup of coffee and their favourite flavour tea. They observe his eyes widening, ever so slightly but enough for Darlin to notice and chuckle to themselves. "Good morning to you too, cowboy." They hum, taking a seat directly opposite him, sipping their tea.

"You're never gonna let that go, are you?" Sam says, lips half-smirking against the cup of coffee when their eyes light up, reaching for their fork.

"Never." Darlin beams, scooping scrambled eggs onto their fork, lifting it to their parted lips, and moaning softly as the flavours fuse together. They rest their elbows against the table, cleaning their plate of all the tasty food Sam had made. "Thank you," Darlin says, quietly, knowing he'll hear. How long had it been since they'd had a cooked breakfast? Before Sam, the wolf barely cooked for themselves, mostly relying on microwaved food or takeaways when they're on the go - hunting Quinn. Ever since Sam, they've been eating a lot better, learning to look after themselves and treat their body a little better too.

"Anytime, Darlin." He says, taking their plate and empty cup, washing them in the sink and returning to his wolf, kissing their forehead and taking their hand in his, caressing their knuckles and revelling in the way they lean into his touch, whimpering - not used to being treated so gently, something Sam is determined to change. "How'd you sleep?" He asked as a small blush settles on their cheeks.

"Wonderfully, considering last night's events..." They rest their head on his shoulder, pressing soft kisses to his neck. "I can't remember the last time I had a good night's sleep." Not since Quinn - they thought but that part went unsaid, knowing Sam was thinking the same thing.

"I'm glad, Darlin. You deserve nothing but peace." Sam rests his forehead against theirs. "And I'll do everything in my power to give it to you." He takes their hand, pressing it to his lips, frowning at the bruises painted across their knuckles. "You want me to heal this?" He asks. He always asks - knowing they haven't always gotten a choice. Darlin appreciates the small things he does to make them feel as comfortable as possible.

"Have you got enough energy to? I don't want you burning yourself out over a couple of bruises. They don't hurt too bad, I can manage, I promise." Darlin affirms, caring more for his pain than their own. Maybe that's what love is or at least, part of it.

"I fed not too long ago, William sent a couple of blood bags over," Sam explained, holding their hand as it trembles when a wave of healing magic fixes the damaged skin, clearing the tender bruises. "Feel better?"

"Much." Darlin leans forward, holding the sides of his face with their hands. "You're a godsend."

They feel his head shake. "I don't know about godsend. I'm not perfect, not by a long shot."

"You are to me," Darlin confesses, planting a kiss on the tip of his nose. "I love you." The words feel natural, igniting a warm and safe feeling in their gut. Their lips move slowly against his, loving how they could feel his lips curving into a smile.

They break apart. "I love you too, Darlin. So much, more than you'll ever know."

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