Fire: NR

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I was meant to be home 30 minuets ago. However, there was fire in a flat building and it was spreading quickly. Me and my team where trying to get as many people out as we could. I was going up to another floor to make sure there wasn't any one left when i heard a cry. I went to the flat and broke the doors to find the baby. When i got to the baby i could see it was only a couple of months old. I wrapped the baby in my protective gear so i could try and get them out when the stairs collapsed. i went back to the room where i found the baby and went on the radio. 

"Guys i have a baby with me and the stairs have collapsed. I'm going to need another way out." I could see the baby was crying i tried to calm it down but it was hard as there were flames coming into the room, After a couple of moments i heard my name called over the radio. "Y/n cover your self and the baby. We need to put the fire out before we can get to you." I saw a closet so i ran over and i got rid of everything in it. 

This allowed me and the baby to be in it and cover are self. However we were going to bake in there so i took of their onesie so they wouldn't be as hot. I could feel the heat starting i knew they were putting the fire out. After a while i heard people calling my name but i couldn't say anything as i was to hot. 

My team heard the BA alarm going off. The got the closest off of me and the baby and helped us out. I took the Ba off and and my jacket and sat in the ambulance with the child. they took us to the hospitable. Once we was there they checked over the baby and said they where okay. During this time i texted Nat to know where i was. When i was getting checked over i saw Nat run to me.  The doctor was done and said i just needed rest.

"Are you sure your okay?" Nat asked me for the 100th time. "Yes im fine." i said smiling at how much she cares.  I was taking Nat to the baby area so i could see if i could take the baby home with me but she noticed we were going the wrong way. "Babe the exit is the other way." "I know i'm just asking someone something." 

I walked over to the Nurse. "The baby brought here from the fire, would it be possible for me to take them and adopt them." The nurse nodded and went to get the papers. I looked at Nat and she was just looking at me. "Are you okay babe?" i asked confused. "you want to adopt the kid you saved?Why didn't you tell me?" i saw a smile coming to her face. "cause i didn't know if you wanted to." i said to be honest i was also scared. 

The nurse came back before i could answer then asked if we both wanted to adopt. "Yes we do.2 Nat said before me i looked at her and smiled.  I can't wait to spend my life with her.

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