Are you okay: SJ

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I've noticed that y/n has been spending more and more time in our home gym. Normally i wouldn't mind but they have changed and i don't mean physically. They always come down with there hood up and blasting music, they often wear more and more black, and they don't go out anymore. 

It was a lovely Saturday morning, the sun was shining, birds singing with the chirp's, Rose was running around the garden, Cosmo was sat on the floor playing with his blocks. Colin was holding me in my arms, all that was missing was Y/n. I could hear them walking down the stairs as the wood creaked at every movement. 

As they turned the corner i could see that they where pale, my eye's lace with concerned as they walked to the gym, i looked at Colin who had the same look, he stood up and smiled saying that he would take care of this.


I opened my eyes to feel the sun on me, as i sat up the whole room started to spin. I closed my eye's  then opened them and it stopped. I got my jogger's and hoodie on leaving my headphones on my desk as i could already feel the head ache coming on. As i made my way down the stairs i already knew it was going to be hot as hell today. 

As i made my way past my mum to the gym i could see the look her and Colin gave each other. I've been going into are gym a lot more to help me get over the brake up, my ex broke up with me for one off my best mate's so I've put my time into working harder.

As i got into the gym i could see colin at the door, i turn to see him giving me a small smile and i give him one back. "I hope you don't mind but i was hoping i could join you today?" He said, it sounded more like a statement then a question. I nodded my head to say that it was okay. He walked in and started he work out. He started stretching, while i went to the pull up bar.

I could see him looking at me every couple of minutes to make sure i'm okay and it was starting to annoy me. Once i had done 3 set of 15 pull up's, 4 sets of 20 push up's i moved over to my weight's. I got the bench ready and put two 10kg plates on, I got under the bar and started my set. I saw Colin walk over and give me the look of  'you should really have a spot' but honestly i feel like if i have a spot i might not push hard enough. Once i did 2 sets of 15 i move to dead lift.

During one of my rep's i could feel the room spinning again making me feel sick i out the bar down and stumbled back only to be met with Colin behind me, holding me so i don't fall. My eyes kept falling, my limbs felt like jelly. Once i was okay we went to get food.


Y/n was doing one of their rep's when i noticed that they didn't look good. I mean they just looked worse then before. I went behind them when they put the bar down only for them to need me to hold them up. I held them for a bit until they came around. I took them to get food and while they were eating i walked to go find scarlet. I walked into the garden to be met with Rose and Cosmo playing together while Scarlet was reading her book.

"I can feel you staring." Was all she said before i moved next to her causing her to put her book down. Scarlet turned her body to look at me but able to see the two happy kids playing. I gave her a sad smile witched cause her to send me a confused but worried look.

"Y/n, had a moment in the gym, they looked worse, stumbled back to the point i held them up. They are sat in the kitchen eating." I could see the worry on her face as she stood up and walked inside. I knew this was my time to watch the kids. Scarlet was either going upstairs to think about something or go talk to Y/n.


I walked upstairs, and sat on the bed of my 17 year old who had closed them self of to me. I mean this wasn't right as, i looked around the room i noticed everything that had there girlfriend in gone. Ooooh, they must have broken up. How didn't i notice, maybe i haven't spoke to them that much. I stayed there until it turned 12, i made my way to the kitchen hoping to see y/n but they weren't there. 

I looked around confused until my mind went to to the one place that they would be. THE GYM. I jogged to the gym opening the door to see y/n. They layed on the floor, not moving. I walked over and see a small cute above there right eye. I put there head on my lap, slowing moving my hand throw there hair, waiting for them to open there eye's.

After a couple of moments there eyes opened and i was met with there ocean blue eyes looking at me.  I help them sit up and just held them in my arm's, as they let the tear's fall. I was whisperings sweat nothing's into there ear's, as they held me tighter. "How about you come to set with me tomorrow." I said as i could feel the tear's stop falling. I felt them nod as they continued to hold me.

Time skip:

As we arrived at set i could see, people walking around and getting ready. Y/n helped me carry my things to the trailer. As we got there i could see them smiling for the first time in a long time.  As i was getting my hair and make up done i could hear the boys talking to y/n and making him laugh. 

As i was nearly done joe the producer walked in smiling at me which normally meant they had a 'great' idea. "I was think, we could have y/n as Spider-Man?" He said with so much hope in his eye's.  I looked at him trying to see if it was joke or not but from what i could see he really liked this idea. "If y/n say's yes then i will look at the contract with my people and i'll answer. I could see Joe's face light up with joy. He walked out smiling when i saw my child walk in.

God i'm so happy i brought them here.

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