Why would you jump NR:

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Me, Steve and Bucky are all on a mission to take down this HYDRA building. We had been informed that there were not that many agents however when we arrived there were more then we thought. So far we have made it halfway however by now we should have been done. Me and Steve think that they had been informed that we were on are way to them.

As we were working our way through the building i keep hearing something which sounds like a Black widow tasers.  The reason i think this is because as my amazing sexy girlfriend Natasha explained to me they are quieter which means that they can sneak up and taser people with no one hearing them. While explaining this she also tasered me about 10 times which hurt but i got kisses and hug's to make up for it.

Anyway once we reached the end and made our way back to the jet i could hear someone getting ready to use a gun but it wasn't any of us. I turned around to see a Black Widow pointing a gun at Steve. When he noticed i stopped him and bucky turned around and then we heard a bang go off. When i looked down i could see red pouring out of me. I slowly turn around and see Steve running over to me i slowly stumble back and fall to the ground. Luckily Steve caught me in time before i did. 

Steve carried me all the way to the Jet and when we got the started to put presser on the wound while bucky was flying us back. I started to cough blood up and i could feel tears coming down my check. "I want...N..Nat"i Steve slowly looked up at me and i could see the tears coming to his eyes.  He got my phone and rang Nat and put her on face time. "Hey babe...Babe what happened?!" Nat asked in a panicked voice "Hey." I said while trying not to chocked on the blood that was pooling in my mouth. "Steve what happened?!!" Nat asked wanting to know what happened. While Steve was explaining what happened i could feel myself becoming more tired.

"HEY BABE DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYE'S." Nat shouted down the phone but it was to late my eye's closed i was happy because if i was going to die at least i got to see my girlfriend while it happened right. If i don't die then i get to see her when i wake up. 


When y/n closed her eye's i hung the phone up and ran to the medical room were Bruce was and told him to get ready cause y/n is bleeding out as. As the elevator doors opened i could see Steve carrying y/n in his arms once he got to the elevator i hit the button for the medical room. Once she was there we got told to wait in the waiting room. I was pacing a round when Steve came down with a cup of coffee.

When Bruce walked outside he came straight to us and said she was okay just needs rest. I went and sat next to her and waited for her to wake up so i could kiss, slap and hug them. I as i finished my coffee i felt there hand move. i stood up and saw there eyes opening. As soon as they opened i could see the panic in there eyes. I grabbed there hand to let them know i was here, as soon as i did that they calmed down. "Hey, how are you feeling?" i didn't get an answer all i got was a sad smile and a hand squeeze. I slapped their arm, they turned to look at me and rubbed where i had hit. "How dare you. Why would you jump in front of a bullet. Yes it was to save Steve but he has a shield for that. Never do that again." I said they nodded and i got in bed next to them and they cuddled straight into me.  

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